The system of exerting political influence adopted by the Obama administration and the American left has been exposed, Andras Laszlo, government commissioner, stated in a post on Facebook. During Barack Obama’s presidency, millions in funding, disguised as aid, were sent to countries where the Democrats' administration disapproved of the ruling governments. However, in many cases, the so-called aid never reached those who truly needed it.
The system was built using methods similar to those of speculators like George Soros: taxpayer money was funneled through USAID funds to offshore tax havens such as the Cayman Islands. These funds were then often used under suspicious circumstances as "aid" to organize protests and riots for political influence, he stated.
In the early 2010s, during the initial phase of social media, alternative social media platforms were created to attract young people initially with non-political content. Once a sufficient number of users was reached, these platforms were then used for political mobilization,
Andras Laszlo added.
Sounds familiar? That is no coincidence! According to the government commissioner, protests organized in Central European countries often follow the same pattern. Similar slogans, symbols, and goals: destabilizing the local government through "spontaneous" "grassroots" demonstrations. A prime example was the attempt to occupy the Fidesz headquarters 12 years ago.
In Hungary, leftist-liberal political groups funded by the US Democrats continue to operate in the same manner to this day. The methods and actions remain the same. This corrupt system and its organizations must be exposed, and foreign interference must be stopped!
concluded the government commissioner.
Cover photo: Former US President Barack Obama (Photo: AFP)