Lívia Járóka: We need a renewed Roma intellectuality

The Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) Roma Talent Program held its closing ceremony on June 26th. Twenty students were granted diplomas, certifying their completion of the program in Budapest. The young talents were also awarded tablets for their successful studies.

Magyar Nemzet
2021. 06. 28. 11:42
Debrecen, 2016. szeptember 9. Diákok a Keresztény Roma Szakkollégiumi Hálózat országos tanévnyitó konferenciáján a Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és Egészségtudományi Centrum (DEOEC) In Vitro Diagnosztikai Tömbjének előadótermében 2016. szeptember 9-én. MTI Fotó: Czeglédi Zsolt Fotó: Czeglédi Zsolt
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

“There is a growing need for a renewed Roma intellectual community,” said MEP Lívia Járóka at the year-end ceremony of the MCC Roma Talent Program. She told the twenty students graduating from this past year’s program: it is important that this generation carries on the torch and sets a good example.

According to representative Járóka, it is crucial that the students who received this exceptional training help the Roma community in the future.

Péter Lánczi, Deputy Director General of the MCC, emphasized in his speech: the most important task of this institution for gifted students is to provide every opportunity to develop their talents and be able to utilize their knowledge. He added that the inspiring and lasting community experience the students provide is just as important. Program Director Ágnes Páskándi mentioned that this year was unique, and not just because of the coronavirus.

She emphasized that the MCC has been working on unprecedented expansions of the Roma Talent Program; thus, the number of Roma students involved in the program will increase to 150 in September.

The Program Director also pointed out that from next year, six training modules will be launched: a program for primary school students, for high school students, university preparation courses, a university / alumni course, and a unique initiative, the Roma Summer School, which will start this year already on June 28th.

Information from the MCC revealed that the Roma Talent Program is fundamentally different from publicly funded educational programs for minorities. Personal mentoring and the creation of a strong community where Roma students can support each other in their careers set it apart.

The students received tablets at the ceremony. The Roma Talent Program for high school students provides additional educational opportunities to talented Roma youth before graduating. By completing the program, students will be able to make more informed career decisions and have better foreign language exam results.

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