Hungarian right is the conservative revolution’s engine

“Together we are strength, but scattered apart, we are just dinner for the Marxist wolves,” said Miklós Szánthó.

Nikoletta Elek
2022. 05. 28. 19:49
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

“Together we are strength, but scattered apart, we are just dinner for the Marxist wolves,” said Miklós Szánthó at the Transatlantic Summit IV. He continued that if we do not command the left to stop, they may try to tear us away from God, deprive us of our nation, and brainwash our children. However, the Director of the Center for Fundamental Rights believes that the Hungarian right is setting an example to follow as the engine of the growing, world-wide conservative revolution, and will not allow for this to happen.

It is clear that sheep and wolves do not agree on the definition of freedom

– said Miklós Szánthó, paraphrasing Lincoln, to open the Transatlantic Summit IV. Mel Gibson, who has been filming in Hungary for the past few months, also made an appearance at the event.

Liberals are coming up with new rights

According to Miklós Szánthó, liberals are trying to appropriate the concept of freedom; they believe that the whole of society and gender identities, along with freedom, were created by people – so they can transform or change this according to the needs of any individual. In fact, postmodern approaches to the meaning of freedom go as far as to say that it is what an individual feels is necessary to fulfill their needs in a given moment.

“Have no doubts: they would applaud a wolf’s freedom if it decided to eat alamb. Given of course that it is a progressive, socialist wolf and a conservative lamb,” said the Director of the Center for Fundamental Rights.

He continued to say that,

The opponents of conservatives are coming up with new rights for themselves while completely crushing basic human rights such as freedom of speech. This is happening because liberals see the individual as the foundation of society and individual rights are just tools to satisfy unlimited desires.

Their approach has devalued basic rights, which conservatives value most, he pointed out. In connection with this, Miklós Szánthó also said that unfortunately today, another basic right has come under attack: this is none other than a parent’s right to give their children the sexual education they see fit.

In doing so, liberals have crossed a red line which they should not have

– he emphasized. Those who refer to themselves as liberals, progressives, social democrats or democratic socialists, are the modern-day followers of Marx. He knew all too well that free society cannot be destroyed, unless you break down families.


Hungary is setting an example

However, the Director followed up by stating that Hungary is providing an example today. The Hungarian right is the engine of the world’s growing conservative revolution. That is exactly why we will not allow this to happen.

After all, there is freedom in Hungary: Christian freedom, good freedom which is rooted in God, patriotism and the family.

We profess that we have received our freedom from the Creator for a specific purpose. We believe that God did not grant us freedom by chance, but to live a full life. Freedom thus came down to us from above, so its

legal expression must be inspired by the natural order of God, said Miklós Szánthó. He warned: if we do not command the left to stop, as many countries West of us have failed to do, they may try to tear us away from God, deprive us of our nation, and brainwash our children with a neomarxist virus. “And to stop this globalist machine, we must band together. Together we are strength, scattered apart we are just dinner for the Marxist wolves,” he said in conclusion.

A universe of madness

In connection with the introductory speech, speakers at the conference also called attention to the ongoing attack on civilization's three main pillars: family, freedom, and life. As it was put, their experiments could lead us all into a universe of madness.

Pope Benedict XVI. also underlined that the greatest danger we face today is the universal, dictatorial system trying to force itself on Christianity,

– said one of the speakers. They also highlighted that the globalist agenda is not a conspiracy theory, but a real thing. Representatives of that agenda try to smuggle the issues of sexual and reproductive rights along with the promotion of abortion into virtually anything – including several international resolutions and declarations.

To conclude, the speakers drew attention to several private companies such as Soros’ Open Society Foundation which exercises power over international organizations such as UNICEF, the WHO, and the UN. Additionally, they have the courts in the palm of their hand and try to make sure that like-minded individuals end up in law-making positions. In fact, they even want to decide what kinds of laws are established in various sovereign countries.

Photo: Miklós Szánthó (Source: Alapjogokért Központ)


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