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18:002024. június 26.
18:002024. június 26.

Washington marks August 20 with bread baked from Hungarian and US flour

The Kossuth Foundation, which organized the event, joined the Bread of Hungarians program this year.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 08. 21. 15:33
Forrás: Pixabay
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

On Sunday, Hungarians living in and around Washington D.C. greeted the August 20 national holiday with bread baked from Hungarian and American flour, the „bread of American Hungarians”.

The ceremony, held at Kossuth House, brought together wheat from different parts of the Carpathian Basin and mixed it with grains grown in America, symbolizing the American-Hungarian community's sense of belonging to Hungary.

The Kossuth Foundation, which organized the event, joined the Bread of Hungarians program this year,  which brought wheat grains from different parts of the Carpathian Basin to the US capital.

Kossuth Foundation President Sandor Vegh emphasized that the diaspora's goal is to survive, for which all conditions are given, and the key of which is the community itself. The community is also a given, as evidenced by the joint celebration in Washington D.C., the community leader noted, adding that the grains of wheat that will arrive from Hungary in 2023 represent the same sense of togetherness that the Hungarian soil – from the lands of historic Hungary - sent to members of the Hungarian community living in the US 121 years ago.

The Bread of American Hungarians was blessed by Judit Mayer, senior pastor of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Washington, D.At the event, the Hungarian embassy was represented by Zsuzsanna Fekete, the embassy's new community diplomat in charge of diaspora affairs.

The festive show was performed by a folk „Szikra” band, a music group of local Hungarians, and Tisza Ensemble, a dance group founded in 1982.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: Pixabay)


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