Paris conditions unacceptable due to migrants + video

Hungarian political economist Zoltan Pogatsa, who certainly cannot be accused of any right-wing bias, has shared some frightening experiences from the French capital.

2023. 09. 19. 19:00
Saint-Denis, 2020. november 17. Illegális bevándorlók tûz mellett melegednek, miközben az A1-es autópálya mellett, Párizs északi elõvárosában, Saint-Denisben lévõ táboruk kiürítésére készülnek 2020. november 17-én. Késõbb a francia rendõrség felszámolta a mintegy 2500 migráns táborát. MTI/EPA/Yoan Valat Fotó: Yoan Valat
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

“If you simply go from the Moulin Rouge to the Gare du Nord and walk around the railway station, you will immediately come across a Moroccan quarter, an Indian quarter, and you can walk for ten kilometers and only meet Africans and Indians. There are practically no Europeans there,” Hungarian economist Zoltan Pogatsa said in a video recorded in Paris about his personal experiences. In the video posted on TikTok, the expert, who cannot be accused of right-wing bias, addressed the question of whether there are no-go zones in the French capital.

Although Mr Pogatsa stressed that there is no definition of a no-go zone – given that he would go to areas where a woman, a child or an elderly person would not really go – tourists do not have to go too far from the center of Paris to get to scary places. There are filthy and disorderly neighborhoods where the streets are full of drug addicts and homeless people. Riots are not uncommon either, often involving vandalism and the burning of cars.

This part is pretty poor, with immigrants coming from countries where they basically have little money, few connections and get only the worst jobs

the expert explained.

Zoltan Pogatsa also pointed out that the chaotic conditions in the French capital could become even worse if the population of the source countries continues to rise. In that case, even more people will leave for developed countries, including European states. "I fear that with global climate change, the population explosion in the third world and migration, this situation will only get worse," the economist concluded.

There are also many videos on social media showing the impossible situation in Paris with migrants camped in the middle of the streets with their luggage, often in front of shops and restaurants. Interestingly, the footage does not really show locals walking among them, sometimes occupying whole sections of pavement.

Cover image: Illegal immigrants warming themselves by a fire as they prepare to evacuate their camp on the A1 motorway in Saint-Denis, a northern suburb of Paris, on 17 November 2020 (Photo: MTI/EPA/Yoan Valat)

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