"Take the help where it is needed instead of bringing trouble home"

The Hungarian government has submitted a proposal to launch a military mission to Chad.

2023. 10. 18. 11:57
Felavatták a Katonai Nemzetbiztonsági Szolgálat Kibertér műveleti központját Fotó: Balogh Zoltán
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The mission, planned at the invitation of the Chad's president, aims to strengthen the stability of Chad and thus the security of Europe and Hungary, and to curb new waves of migration threatening from Africa. The presence of Hungarian soldiers will enhance the fight against terrorism and help the smooth running of humanitarian assistance and local developments in the Hungary Helps program, the defense ministry said in a statement.

Announcing the military mission to Chad, Kristof  Szalay-Bobrovniczky said: 

We live in an age of threats. We are witnessing the second serious armed conflict, with millions of migrants flooding into Europe from Africa and the Middle East.

The defense minister stressed that Hungary is ready to take on further tasks to strengthen the security of Europe and Hungary.

He pointed out that the pro-immigration policy pursued by Brussels has brought great harm to Europe, with the mass of immigrants threatening Europe with security risks and terrorism. He said that the events in Israel and Gaza and the European consequences of the terrorist attack in Brussels warn of this, adding that along with the migrants, Middle East conflicts have also appeared in major European cities, with violent demonstrations being staged. 

Preserving peace, halting migration and protecting borders remain top priorities for Hungary, he added. The minister stressed that the launch of the military mission is important because Chad in the Sahel region plays a key role in curbing migration from Africa. Instability in Chad could open a migratory floodgate, bringing a massive influx to Europe.

The minister pointed out: "Since we believe that we must take the help where it is needed instead of bringing the trouble here, the Hungarian government has decided to offer Chad a complex package of assistance. In recent weeks, preparatory work began in order to open a humanitarian and development center as part of the Hungary Helps program, and for several weeks a medical and humanitarian mission provided help to the local population.

"With this draft resolution, the government proposes to send a military mission of up to 200 troops to Chad in the spring of 2024 to help contain migration, fight terrorism and support humanitarian aid, " Kristof  Szalay-Bobrovniczky recently said.

The defense minister highlighted that the planned Hungarian military mission is also significant from a professional perspective, as it can be launched in cooperation with other nations present in the region, but as Hungary's independent engagement.
Cover photo: Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky delivers a speech (Photo: Zoltan Balogh)


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