The uncompromising crackdown by Serbian police along the Serbian-Hungarian border has been in full force for a week. The action was launched after a shootout broke out again between migrants and people smugglers using illegal methods to help them into the European Union. Three illegal migrants were killed.
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Armored vehicles and helicopters in the immediate vicinity of the Hungarian border.

According to the Serbian police statement, during the seven-day operation aimed at curbing illegal migration, officers of the Interior Ministry prevented some 3,400 illegal migrants hiding in border areas from reaching EU countries through various smuggling channels.

The Serbian police are active at both the entry and exit points of the migrant route through the country, i.e. they are carrying out checks in the south-east, along the Bulgarian border near the town of Pirot, and in the northern part of Vojvodina in the areas of Subotica (Szabadka), Kikinda (Nagykikinda) and Sombor (Zombor). Helicopters, drones and armored vehicles are also being used in the operation.
Hundreds of police officers were involved in the detailed search of the northern border area. So far, five automatic rifles, five pistols and more than 1,550 rounds of ammunition of various calibers have been recovered. The campsites of illegal immigrants also contained 362 foreign passports and small quantities of illegal drugs.

In the forest, police also found four-meter-long ladders, which migrants regularly use to get over the fence at the Serbian-Hungarian border. During the seven days, police checked tens of thousands of people and more than 16,000 vehicles to prevent the illegal transit of migrants through Serbia and across the border, according to Serbian public media.
According to the police report, in the operation also aimed at apprehending smugglers, two Kosovar Albanians were arrested on suspicion of supplying the migrants with weapons.
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The Serbian uniformed forces are employing all means on the ground and in the air to make the operation a success, as they write:
the Ministry of the Interior continues its uncompromising battle against migrant smugglers and illegal migration to ensure the safety of the citizens of the Republic of Serbia.
As Magyar Nemzet has reported several times before, the locals living along the border have been living in fear due to the constant presence and actions of migrants and people smugglers.
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Because of the constant shooting, the residents of Subotica (Szabadka), Hajdukovo (Hajdujaras) and Palic (Palics) don't dare go even near the forested areas in the evenings. In recent months, however, the clashes between migrants haven't been confined to only the forests, which have become a no-go zones, but have also erupted near the centers of villages and towns.
Cover photo: Serbian police collecting illegal migrants (Photo: Serbian police)
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