Migrants Fire Hundreds of Shots at Hungarian Border Police

Last year, migration to Europe increased by 17 percent compared to the previous year, with some 380 thousand migrants attempting to enter the EU illegally, the Hungarian prime minister's chief advisor on internal security, said on public television.

2024. 01. 20. 15:11
Budapest, 2024. január 10. Bakondi György, a miniszterelnök belbiztonsági fõtanácsadója az illegális bevándorlás aktualitásairól tartott sajtótájékoztatón a Miniszterelnöki Kabinetiroda sajtótermében 2024. január 10-én. MTI/Máthé Zoltán Fotó: Máthé Zoltán
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Last year, migratory pressure grew on the Spanish, Italian and Balkan routes. In the third quarter, Afghan criminal gangs took control of certain areas on the Serbian side of Hungary's southern border. The situation is worsening, with increasingly violent, armed incidents on the rise. Hundreds of shots were fired at Hungarian police officers last year, the Hungarian prime minister's chief advisor on internal security said.

Meanwhile, the EU approved a migration pact, prescribing quotas determined by Brussels. Moreover, contrary to Hungary's previous practice, asylum applications no longer can be processed before entry into the EU, which can entail the setting up of migrant camps within the EU, Gyorgy Bakondi pointed out.

According to the EU, Hungary will not be able to access the EU funding it is entitled to until it makes changes to its migration policy and child protection law. This is political blackmail,

Gyorgy Bakondi stressed. The Hungarian government, however, believes that it is best to consult the Hungarian people on important issues. This was also the case in the recent national consultation survey, with one and a half million people sharing their opinions. This gives the Hungarian government the support it needs to successfully fight for the security of the Hungarian people, the Hungarian prime minister's chief advisor on homeland security said.

Cover photo: Gyorgy Bakondi, the Hungarian prime minister's chief advisor on internal security (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)


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