Action for Democracy to Try Anew This Year

The strong cohesion on the national side prevented globalist forces from ousting the government, an analyst at the 21st Century Institute, told Magyar Nemzet. The Action for Democracy has sent substantial funds to Hungary, and this type of funding activity will intensify with the European Parliament elections coming up, the parliamentary state secretary at the prime minister's cabinet said.

2024. 02. 20. 14:36
20240216 Budapest Odakint most szörnyek járnak - kiállás az áldozatokért, a gyerekekért, az egészséges társadalomért címmel tartott tüntetés Fotó: Kurucz Árpád (KA) Magyar Nemzet Fotó: Kurucz Árpád
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"I am sure that they will once again try to interfere in some way or other in Hungary's domestic politics, as we are facing crucial elections here, in Hungary and in Europe in general. All the research institutes forecast a shift to the right as the outcome of the EP elections, but the question is the extent. Action for Democracy, and other progressive NGOs that are not taking part in the democratic contest but support the left wing, are aware of this. Their goal is to prevent that the shift to the right should bring about a real turnaround," Ervin Nagy said in response to a question from Magyar Nemzet.

They have mobilized huge sums of money so far and their latest statements show that they haven't given up on the political colonization of Hungary, the analyst at the 21st Century Institute emphasized. They possess the know-how and have gained important experience in recent years in Hungary and in other countries that they see as "battlefield states", he added.

"Supporting the domestic Left in Hungary was a bad investment for them, but that does not mean that the anti-democratic method and the tools they use do not work. Just think of the videos leaked in recent weeks with David Koranyi speaking openly about how they successfully intervened in Poland. In Hungary, their failure was not due to a lack of money or will, but to the ineptitude of the Hungarian Left and the strong cohesion on the national side that prevented globalist forces from ousting the government and taking power,"

the analyst underscored.

He noted that the law on protecting Hungary's sovereignty and the Sovereignty Protection Office are good instruments against interference, and that the staff working there will do everything they can to prevent foreign powers from interfering in Hungarian politics, but the main test will be the upcoming elections. Transparency is the best self-defense besides the law and the office.

Action for Democracy sent substantial sums of money to so-called NGOs in Hungary, and then these organizations engaged in political campaigning. David Koranyi, one of the key people, quite openly revealed how they did this in Poland, Csaba Domotor, parliamentary state secretary at the prime minister's cabinet, said on HirTV's Bayer Show. "These voter groups and those voter groups and so-called NGOs, which otherwise support the opposition parties in Hungary or work to promote the opposition, but of course they don't talk about this. Koranyi explained in detail how this was done in Poland, and how they succeeded. Now, if they can do it in Poland, they will try it again in Hungary," the governing party politician pointed out.

No big surprises are expected to come after what we saw in 2022. "The equivalent of four billion forints flowed into Hungary in the form of micro-donations. How did they manage without laughing when they talked about this? This is what we saw in the 2022 election campaign, and we know that these sums haven't stopped coming in since then. And if there is a crucial election, and there will be a crucial election, a crucial European election coming up in June, we can be absolutely sure that this type of activity will not cease, but will intensify. So we can tell them that we are prepared for this fight. Our community has always been able to perform at its best under the greatest pressure and, most importantly, for the good of the country,"

Csaba Domotor underlined.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)


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