Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson met for a brief discussion in Brussels. According to a Swedish newspaper, Kristersson is keen to visit Budapest after Hungary ratifies Sweden's accession to NATO, Mandiner reports, citing the Swedish Dagens Nyheterho.
Swedish PM to Visit Hungary on One Condition
The Swedish prime minister and Viktor Orban met for a brief discussion in Brussels, but it remains unclear what's next.
This is where the issue is, because Hungary would like the Swedish prime minister to visit the Hungarian capital before the decision on ratification is taken, as Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said earlier.
Kristersson also told the newspaper that he had not received a date from Viktor Orban regarding when the Hungarian parliament would vote on the ratification, but it is certain that Fidesz will not attend the extraordinary parliamentary session initiated by the opposition, so the Hungarian parliament will not vote on Sweden's NATO accession on February 5.
Cover photo: Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (Photo: MTI/EPA/IT News Agency/Pontus Lundahl)
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