Action for Democracy's Donors Tie Money to Specific Targets

Action for Democracy's major supporters donated billions of dollars to implement minutely designed actions with detailed budgets.

2024. 03. 01. 17:39
Korányi és Karácsony
Korányi és Karácsony Fotó: Facebook
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Action for Democracy's (A4D) donors - the largest being George Soros - had detailed requirements set for the organization as to how the billions of dollars could be spent, the  Mandiner news portal wrote. In a video recently shared on X, David Koranyi, A4D executive director, reveals that they thoroughly prepared their intervention activities in various countries and spent about four-fifths of the total donations on these projects. Thus, the claim by A4D key figures that they collected micro-donations has been refuted, as well as the claim that donors set no expectations. 

It is simply not true that the A4D collected small donations from ordinary people and spent the money raised on some obscure, elusive campaign to renew culture,

the portal pointed out.

This is clear from the video recently shared on the MagaBabe profile on X, in which David Koranyi, the executive director of A4D, describes how they prepare their influence exercises in various countries with meticulous attention to detail, and how they plan their budgets - with slight exaggeration - down to the last cent.

He who pays te piper, calls the tune

These are the projects A4D spends the lion's share of donations, according to Koranyi.  "We come up with a list of priorities, action items and programs like, for example, this chunk of the money will be earmarked towards supporting the Venezuelan democratic movement, this chunk of the money will be supporting Polish civil society grants. So it would be quite specific. I would say, 80 percent of the grant amount would go to these projects," Koranyi said.

What he says reveals that major donors decide which country to target in a bid to intervene in their internal political processes.

In videos posted on te MagaBabe page a few weeks ago, prominent A4D members admitted that George Soros was their main donor, so it was primarily the stock exchange speculator who decided when, in which sovereign state and how the organization should interfere. The executive director also disclosed that donations of over two million dollars are considered to be significant.


From full denial to admission

All this is in stark contrast to what is on A4D's website and what Koranyi and his crew have said about their activities in recent years. The organization's website states that A4D plays a coordinating role between various grassroots organisations that help citizens to shape public life as they see fit.

When the scandal over the rolling dollars erupted, Koranyi claimed that there were no expectations from the donors, saying had anyone made a request in return for the money, they would have declined the support right away. Most of the donations came in via a website, and there was no box to indicate targets, said the executive director, who happens to be a confidant of former left-wing Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai.


Threads leading to the White House 

The picture that emerges from previous videos is that key A4D figures have also worked closely with the leaders of US Democrats in their operations. Kati Marton, chair of the A4D board of trustees, for example, explained in one of the videos that in Poland, she first consulted with the US ambassador in Warsaw in order to prepare the ground for helping Donald Tusk and his allies into government.

Some other footage proves that A4D and its collaborating partners operated a real campaign machine to discredit targeted national leaders, including Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

For example, Alexander Nazaryan, a senior White House correspondent, attacked the Hungarian prime minister in a piece full of smears and malicious misrepresentations on Yahoo News.


Fear of public opinion

In light of all this, it comes as no surprise that Koranyi and his circle have always denied the role George Soros plays. Tellingly, in the videos, the executive director - who did not deny that the stock exchange speculator was their main donor - said that they deliberately kept the identity of the donors secret because they were worried that public opinion would turn against them if the source of the funds became public knowledge. He said people would suspect that standing up for democratic values was really just a way of masking their business interests.

As is known, a Hungarian intelligence report, which was partially declassified last summer, revealed that through A4D and a Swiss foundation more than four billion forints had flowed into Hungary to support the left wing 's election campaign in 2022.

The investigation into foreign influence in the 2022 elections has raised questions as to what the left-wing parties might have promised their foreign donors in return for the billions of euros. Among others, Gergely Gulyas, the minister heading the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office, and Mate Kocsis, parliamentary group leader of the larger governing party, have highlighted the national security risks posed by the case.

Cover photo: David Koranyi, A4D CEO, and Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony (Source: Facebook)


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