Pressman Tells Lies About Hungary

US Ambassador David Pressman lied about Hungary's energy policy in a video posted on the Facebook page of the US embassy in Budapest.

2024. 03. 26. 14:25
Photo: Arpad Kurucz
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The US ambassador lied. In a video, peppered with dramatic images and sound effects,   the diplomatic mission in Budapest analyzes Hungarian and European energy policy. The film starts with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto's statement that Hungary's energy supply could not be secured without Russian gas, and then a number of counter-examples are given, citing the Czech Republic, Poland and Bulgaria as countries that have "significantly reduced" their imports of Russian gas in 2023. 

The video, however, fails to mention the small detail that Russian gas imports to Czechia indeed came to a near-complete halt for most of last year, but Prague returned to importing an increasing amount of gas from Russia in the final months of the year, as reported by Reuters.

The Hungarian government has decided to increase its energy dependence on Russia... at any cost,

the video claims, "proving" the statement with headlines that were published months or years ago by left-wing news portals and opposition papers. 

Only Hungary's political leadership has decided to keep the country dependent on Russian energy,

says the next accusation in the video published by the embassy on Facebook.

In contrast, the Hungarian government's goal is actually to diversify gas supplies. In an earlier Facebook post, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto emphasized the importance of gas from Azerbaijan, for example.

The minister, scheduled to travel to Russia, recently announced on his social media page that

a historic day in Hungarian-Turkish energy cooperation is approaching on April 1, when natural gas will start flowing from Turkyie to Hungary.

The contract specifies the transfer of 275 million cubic meters of gas in the next few months, making Hungary the first non-neighboring country that Turkyie exports gas to, the foreign minister added.

Turkyie has already played an important role in Hungarian energy security as a transit country, and from now on it will also be a source of energy supplies.


European Union figures show that in 2020, energy import dependency exceeded 50 percent in 16 EU countries. The countries with the highest dependency rates were Malta (98 percent), Cyprus (93 percent) and Luxembourg (92 percent). Countries with the lowest dependency rate included Estonia (11 percent), Romania (28 percent) and Sweden (34 percent). With a dependency rate 0.9 percentage points lower than the EU27 average, Hungary is in the middle of the EU average.

Cover photo: US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)


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