"The trip itself and the experience was very useful, despite the umpteenth time," said Center for Fundamental Rights (CFR) Director General Miklos Szantho in a joint program "Hour of Truth" with Hir FM, when talking about his participation in and speech at the CPAC in Washington, DC. He was at the first CPAC International Summit and the Center's book launch together with, among others, Arizona Republican Senatorial candidate Kari Lake. "It is clear that the work, the international and specifically transatlantic outreach work that we and other right-wing think tanks are doing in Hungary is paying off. If Donald Trump is re-elected president in November, there will be even more positive results," he said.
Right-wing Networking in Washington Pays Off
Let's make America and Europe great together!
"Donald Trump can bring peace. If he were the president (and we hope he will again this time), the mouthpieces for the US Embassy would not organize influencer protests, and the Soros clan would not fund those who want to undermine the legitimacy of the democratically elected Hungarian government. We can help our American friends by showing the world that a Republican leadership would be better and by showing that there is a close relationship between the American and Hungarian right-wingers. We can take revenge on our enemies and on the Left by showing that Hungary is successful in the international arena as well," the director general emphasized.
Peter Torcsi, director of operations at CFR, spoke at a joint event together with The Heritage Foundation on the dangers of gender ideology. Regarding the upcoming meeting between Viktor Orban and Donald Trump, he said that the Hungarian PM and Trump have a very good personal relationship and are in agreement on the big issues. These are the ones to focus on.
The relevant broadcast of the "Hour of Truth can be viewed here.
Cover photo: illustration (Photo: MTI)
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