"If Gaza Burns, Berlin will Follow Suit," Islamists Warn

The Israeli-Palestinian war has plunged Germany into turmoil, as the escalating situation in Europe mirrors the brutality of events unfolding in the Middle East.

Forrás: V4NA2024. 05. 11. 18:43
Pro-Palestinian group organizes sit-in in the garden of Berlin's Humboldt University
Police have to crack down on Islamist protests week after week (Photo: Anadolu via AFP/Halil Sagirkaya)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

There was a huge fire at the Berlin-Tiergarten town hall in the German capital in the early hours of Thursday, and firefighters arrived in force to contain the blaze. Authorities believe that anti-Israeli Islamist vandals have thrown Molotov cocktails at the building, the international V4NA news agency reported.



The emergency services responded to a call from a witness who heard window panes breaking, after which two suspected perpetrators were seen jumping from scaffolds near the building and fleeing the scene.

According to the German Bild newspaper, several threatening messages were scrawled on the side of the building. One of these read "If Gaza burns, Berlin will follow suit", while others said "Free Hamas" and "We arre warning the Germans, that we'll burn down Berlin".

A spokesman for Berlin police said the investigation had been taken over by state security services, who are investigating a case of intentional arson. 

Pro-Palestinian protests by far-left and Muslim activists across Europe have erupted after Israel retaliated against a terror attack by Hamas on Israeli soil on October 7 last year. A day before the Berlin attack, all hell broke loose in the Netherlands after a mob of activists stormed the University of Amsterdam, demanding that it sever all ties with Israeli institutions.

There was extensive damage to the university buildings and footage of activists attacking people with wooden planks went viral on social media, prompting conservative politician Geert Wilders to speak out on the issue, asking

When did the Dutch people vote to let in these Jew-haters with sticks and beards? In which election manifesto was this included? Why are we letting them destroy the Netherlands,

the Dutch right-wing politician asked.

Cover photo: Police have to crack down on Islamist protests week after week (Photo: Anadolu via AFP/Halil Sagirkaya)

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