Következő mérkőzések
18:002024. június 18.
21:002024. június 18.
Cseh Köztársaság

Istvan Simicsko: "A Strong Europe Is a Europe of Strong Nations"

The parliamentary group leader of the co-ruling Christian Democrats attended a public forum in the north-east of Hungary.

2024. 05. 17. 16:18
Istvan Simicsko, parliamentary group leader of the co-ruling Christian Democrats (Photo: Zoltan Balogh)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The cooperation between Fidesz and the co-ruling Christian Democrats (KDNP) is a predictable cooperation with clear and foreseeable goals, said the parliamentary group leader of the KDNP in the town of Miskolc, northern Hungary. This cooperation rests on Christian democratic foundations and aims for the representation of national interests in local, national and European politics, Istvan Simicsko told a press briefing held before the forum in Miskolc. Decision-makers in Brussels currently envision a Europe that is unified in every respect, he said, adding that this poses a threat and a challenge to the sovereignty of nations.

A strong Europe is a Europe of strong nations. If member states are weakened, Europe will also become weak, and we do not want that, the KDNP parliamentary group leader noted. The struggles of recent years have been about ensuring that Hungarian interests appear as effectively as possible on the international stage, he added.

Istvan Simicsko highlighted that Hungary's government holds a firm position in line with the country's national interests. What is at stake in the June 9 election is how local values, national communities and national cultures can survive in the accelerated world of globalization, he said. We are in a peculiar situation because a sad fratricidal war has been going on in Ukraine for more than two years, he added.

"We must exert efforts to bring the senseless destruction to a halt as soon as possible so that no more people die. The Ukrainian and Russian people have made more than enough sacrifices on the altar of this war," Istvan Simicsko said.

The only possible way forward is a ceasefire and peace negotiations, he stressed, pointing out that the Hungarian government has consistently stood up for this and will continue to do so in the future.

Peace is the precondition for prosperity, he said, adding that they would like to see municipalities enter the local race with sufficient humility, knowledge, preparedness and strong faith, and then continue the work that the Fidesz-KDNP government has done nationally in recent years.


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