Hungary FM: Hungary Ready to Mediate with Russia

Hungary has maintained its communication channels with Russia, it is ready to act as a liaison towards Russia in order to protect peace and prevent further loss of life, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto said at the Swiss Peace Conference on Sunday.

2024. 06. 17. 11:26
Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto attends the Ukraine Conference in Switzerland (Photo: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Speaking at a meeting focusing on finding a solution to the Ukraine war, FM Szijjarto underlined that he represented a country right next to Ukraine, one that has been living in the shadow of war for almost two and a half years and, as a result, has faced its humanitarian consequences directly. According to a ministry statement, he said more than 1.3 million refugees have arrived in Hungary from Ukraine, including separated families without fathers or husbands.

He said Ukrainian families arriving in Hungary are granted access to education and health care. Currently, there are about 1,600 schools and kindergartens in Hungary attended by children of Ukrainian refugee families, he said. He pointed out that financial support is being given to Hungarian employers who employ Ukrainian refugees, and hundreds of Ukrainian children have been given a chance toi attend summer camps since the war broke out.

FM Szijjarto emphasized that this was Hungary's biggest humanitarian aid operation,  and that it would continue as long as necessary. He also mentioned that there are around 150,000 Hungarians living in the western part of Ukraine, so Hungary is well aware of the suffering that Ukrainian citizens, including Transcarpathia's Hungarians, have had to endure over the past two and a half years.

"We know how many of them were sent to the front line, and we know how many have died," he said.

"We do not want more people to die in this war. We do not want more families to be torn apart," FM Szijjarto emphasized.

He said Hungary is practically the last European country that hasn't severed its communication channels with Russia. It maintains its communication channels, so it can negotiate with Russia, he pointed out, adding that Hungary's role could therefore be decisive in this respect.

In order to save children and families from being torn apart, Hungary is ready to play its part, Mr Szijjarto underlined. "Please do not consider it a bad thing that the channels of communication are open," he said.

He emphasized that "we are ready, we are available, and if you have any message in this regard, we will be happy to deliver it to Moscow or St Petersburg, or wherever you want, to save children and families, and to prevent more families from being torn apart".
Cover photo: Minister of Trade and Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto at the Ukraine conference in Switzerland (Source: Facebook)

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