Policy Chief: Government Legitimacy Remains Strong

A ceasefire would be in the interests of both the Ukrainians and Europe, said Balazs Orban, who also touched on the Russia-Ukraine war, the elections and results, the Hungarian EU presidency, Manfred Weber and the challenges facing Europe.

Forrás: Mandiner2024. 06. 13. 14:51
Balazs Orban, the Hungarian PM’s political director, answers questions at the plenary session of the National Assembly on May 13, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Hungarian PM's policy chief,  spoke to Mandiner about the election results, the challenges facing Europe, Manfred Weber and Peter Magyar. In connection with the election results, Balazs Orban pointed out that a major governing party being uninterruptedly honored with the trust of voters for such a long period and in such high proportions is something that is not seen in any other European country. The recent European elections were a bumpy ride for all governing parties on the continent, he noted, as they were entering the race amid years of ongoing war, inflation and economic crisis. 

On the fact that many analysts have called the results "a moderate Fidesz victory", he said that this is the job of opposition politicians and opinion shapers. All opposition forces have to be taken seriously, he remarks, including the extreme right-wingers and the Old Leftists who have a large municipal base and parliamentary presence, as well as the Peter Magyar-type New Left.

On the pro-war strategy, he said the West is not only maintaining but is also upping its support for Ukraine. Therefore, they are attempting to financially and politically undermine pro-peace governments.

This project has not been successful at home: the legitimacy of the government remains strong. On the other hand, there are several countries where voters have expressed elemental displeasure with their ruling pro-war governments. This has tilted the balance of power slightly in our favor. And we still have the US election ahead of us, which could bring a decisive breakthrough,

the policy chief explained. 

He also pointed out that the work of the eleven Fidesz pro-peace MEPs is only just beginning, and the aim is to strengthen the pro-peace voices in the European Parliament. He also refuted the view that the pro-peace movement's call for a ceasefire only favors Putin, who is currently in a good military position. In his view, it is a dangerous calculation to suggest that we will be in a better position to negotiate with the Russians later, and that the best realistic opportunity is now. 

In his view, assuming that they could negotiate with the Russians from a better position at a later time is a dangerous calculation, the best realistic opportunity is right now.

Therefore, a ceasefire would be in the interest of both Ukraine and Europe,

he stressed.

The Hungarian prime minister's political director also spoke about the political crisis in France and Germany.

Macron was forced to call an early election. The question is where the political landslide will stop. If he does not resign, he may well have to work with a right-wing government. A period of cohabitation could come again, which is always a different era in French politics. In Germany, the three-party coalition is struggling with a growing legitimacy crisis, and received less than a third of the votes in total. Many people are gloating over this, but the past two years have shown that a German government with a weak ability to assert its interests is much worse for Europe and Hungary than a cabinet with a strong mandate leading Europe's most important country,

Balazs Orban opined.

Speaking about Hungary's forthcoming EU presidency, he said that the central idea will be to regain Europe's strength. This, he said, will require a competitive economy, a strengthened European defense industry, fair enlargement, a responsible green policy and effective action to address demographic problems and illegal migration. 

Balazs Orban believes that Hungary has a government that is the most ready to make compromises among all the governments of EU countries, and as evidence of this, he cited the negotiations on EU funds or the handling of Ukrainian issues. In his opinion, however, Hungary should not and will not give up on issues of national strategic importance. When asked which EP group Fidesz would join, he said that Fidesz is interested in the broadest pro-sovereignty cooperation, and that they have several options.

Speaking about NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's visit in Hungary, he pointed out that

our goal is twofold: to fulfill our NATO commitments, but at the same time we do not want to participate in military operations outside the territory of the alliance. We have just announced that we have achieved our goals, and we will not take part in NATO's action in Ukraine. Hungary will not send people, weapons, or money to a potential NATO mission in Ukraine!

Cover photo: Balazs Orban, the Hungarian PM's policy chief (Photo: Zoltan Mathe)

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