Right-Wing Spanish Party Chief Praises PM Orban

Santiago Abascal held a campaign event in Murcia, where he criticized Brussels and spoke at length of Hungarian PM Viktor Orban.

2024. 06. 03. 11:21
Spanish Vox party leader, Santiago Abascal (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Santiago Abascal, the president of the Spanish right-wing Vox party, criticized the Brussels elite and the leftist-liberal mainstream in Murcia on Sunday, and praised Hungary's Viktor Orban. The party chief's speech was shared by Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights, who added his comments to the post:

We have fantastic friends in Spain and all over Europe, who see the policies of Hungary and Viktor Orban as an example to follow. Let us take back Brussels, and let’s Make Europe Great Again!

At the campaign event, Santiago Abascal underlined that the Brussels elite, with the help of the European People's Party, is constantly attacking Mr Orban, because 

Hungary's prime minister protects the borders, and because he rejects the forced, quota-based resettlement of any illegal migrants. And do you know why? Because he does not allow various lobby groups to infiltrate schools and influence children. He even held a referendum on the issue. So the European Commission, with Ursula von der Leyen and her slaves, and Pedro Sánchez and Albert Nunez Feijóo, are criminalizing Hungary for insisting on its sovereignty, defending its borders and the innocence of children,

– Santiago Abascal emphasized, pointing out that the Hungarian government does not distribute money to immigrants like the French or German governments. 

In Hungary, those who work and pay taxes and have at least four children are exempt from personal income tax for life. This is how people should be supported. Yet, those who defend and support people, protect and insist on their sovereignty and on protecting their borders, are being criminalized and condemned. However, they are our allies,

– the president of Vox added. Mr Abascal noted that they have nothing to be ashamed of, unlike those who "applaud the actions of the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, the Taliban and the Iranian regime". 

As is known, the Budapest-based think tank, Center for Fundamental Rights, recently opened and office in Madrid.

Only together can we build the golden age of the right,

 – Director General Miklos Szantho undelined at the time. One of the reasons why the think tank opened an office was to bring the ideas of eminent statesmen like Abascal to Hungarians, giving them strength for the common struggle. 


Cover photo: Vox party president Santiago Abascal (Photo: AFP)

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