International Spokesman: Manfred Weber Launches Hypocritical Attack on Hungary

Yet again, it is Manfred Weber who is attacking the Hungarian government, all the while his political allies have poured millions of illegal migrants into Europe.

2024. 07. 31. 13:24
Hungarian State Secretary for International Communication and Relations Zoltan Kovacs (Photo: MTI/Peter Lakatos)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

European People's Party President Manfred Weber's action is nothing but another hypocritical attack on Hungary by the pro-war liberal European elite, State Secretary for International Communication and Relations Zoltan Kovacs posted on X.

Yet again, it is Manfred Weber who is attacking the Hungarian government, all the while his government and its political allies have poured millions of illegal migrants into Europe, exposing the continent's states and the people of Europe to a grave threat to national and public security. Interestingly, at that time, neither Mr. Weber nor the leftist-liberal elite showed concern for the security of Europe or the people of Europe, the international spokesperson stressed.

This latest attack from Brussels is absurd and hypocritical because it is precisely the Brussels institutions and the European People's Party, in alliance with the liberal forces, that are doing everything in their power to ensure that Hungary is forced to dismantle its strict border protection and asylum system, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country and thus into the European Union, the state secretary pointed out.

The Hungarian immigration regime is the strictest in the European Union. Guest workers are only allowed entry under a regulated framework, which includes a national security check, and they can stay for a limited period solely for employment purposes, he emphasized.

Hungary will continue to protect its southern border and maintain the strictest immigration regime on the continent, Zoltan Kovacs underlined.

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