Think Tank Chief: Joe Biden's Replacement Will Be Nominee of Liberal Deep State, Not of Voters

The American Left and its deep state have staged a coup against their own presidential candidate, says the director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights. Miklos Szantho added that the Obamas, Clintons and Soroses - in other words the deep state - and not the voters will likely be selecting the Democratic candidate.

Forrás: Facebook2024. 07. 24. 17:27
Center for Fundamental Rights Director General Miklos Szantho (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Another swamp invasion is expected in the United States. Miklos Szantho talks about this in a video post on social media. The director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights also explains why we Hungarians are interested in who will replace Biden in the campaign.

War is raging next door to us, the European Union doesn't even know the time of day, while the US is in the midst of a political crisis, the likes of which it hasn't seen since perhaps the Civil War.

Barely a week after the assassination attempt on Trump, the American Left and its deep state have staged a coup on their own presidential candidate. Many of you may be wondering what this all means. What will change with Biden's withdrawal from the race? Well, practically nothing, as even after being withdrawn, he will remain president of the United States until January, and as president he still has control of the red button and commands the US armed forces. In short, he decides peace or war, well in fact only war, of course,

the think tank director explained.

Miklos Szantho also stressed that it makes no difference who the Democrats nominate to replace him. They had reduced their own spring primaries to a hollow spectacle with not one real challenger near the start line.

So it is the Obamas, the Clintons, the Soroses - in other words the deep state - and not the electorate, that can nominate Biden's successor. And we have long known that what the Washington deep state needs is war. Biden was the candidate of the swamp dwellers against Trump, and surely the new candidate will be, too. So the stakes in the November presidential election have not changed. War or peace. And we need peace. We need Trump,

 the Center for Fundamental Rights director general concluded.

Cover photo: Center for Fundamental Rights Director General Miklos Szantho (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)

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