Think Tank Chief: Wokebusters Go On International Mission!

This fall, the right-wing's rapid reaction unit called Wokebusters will embark on an international mission, first to the USA.

2024. 09. 10. 16:41
Miklos Szantho, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

We are here at Budapest's international airport because, as promised earlier, this fall, the right-wing rapid reaction unit called Wokebusters embarks on an international mission, with the USA as its primary destination. The announcement came from Miklos Szantho, who shared his message in a video on social media. The director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights also explained why they chose to visit the United States of America.

"Firstly, because it is the home of 'woke,' a kind of refurbished communism, and where else can you meet the devil but in hell? Secondly because, despite this, we have many friends there - senators, representatives, and think tank leaders fighting for God, their country and their families, just like us. They are already hard at work preparing for November's presidential race, and we will meet with them to strengthen the international alliance of Wokebusters,

– Mr. Szantho said.

Mr.He added that "If Trump wins, the world's leading power will be led by a man who opposes illegal migration, rejects gender nonsense, and—perhaps most importantly—wants to end the war in Ukraine. That would be good for the wallets of all Hungarians.

Because if there is peace, sanctions can be lifted, the global economy can recover, and Hungary's economy will grow even stronger. The connection may seem remote, but it’s true: if Trump wins in the US, Hungary will have a peace budget in 2025. Inflation could stay low, boosting wages' purchasing power, and Hungarian companies will be able to trade with both the East and the West in peace. In contrast, the Democrats' woke candidate, Kamala Harris, will hurt all Hungarians—not just a little, but a lot,

 – the think tank chief explained. 

He emphasized that "Ms. Harris is known as an ardent supporter of migration, gender propaganda, and, worst of all, war. If the senseless bloodshed in Ukraine continues, the sanctions will only intensify, the formation of economic blocs will become permanent and the world economy will be split in two. This is a disaster for us - a country dependent on foreign energy and eager to trade with as many partners as possible.

Not to mention that inflation could rise again, products could become scarcer, and we will continue to face external interference in our internal affairs. So, we are going to the US to strengthen the Wokebusters, talk to our Republican friends, and represent Hungary’s most basic interest: common sense instead of woke ideology,

 – Mr. Szantho added. He concluded his video with a rallying cry: 

Go Trump!

Cover photo: Miklos Szantho, Director General of the Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights)

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