National Security Cabinet Meets to Assess Middle East Situation

Iran launches nearly two hundred missiles at Israel.

Forrás: MTI2024. 10. 02. 10:49
Hungary's National Security Cabinet convenes to assess developments in the situation in the Middle East (Photo: PM's Press Office/ Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban called a meeting of the National Security Cabinet, Tuesday evening at the site of the government meeting in Geszt, Bertalan Havasi, the PM's press chief, told MTI.

We want to ensure the safety of all Hungarians,

Mr Orban posted on his social media page along with a photo of the meeting.

The convening ministers responsible for defense and the chief national security adviser reviewed developments and possible consequences of the war situation in the Middle East. They received a report on the security of Hungary and of Hungarian citizens in the region,

the press chief said. As reported by Magyar Nemzet, gunmen opened fire on passers-by in the Jaffa district of Tel Aviv, and according to the first official statements by Israeli police, several people were killed and many injured in the alleged terrorist attack. Authorities say the two attackers have been neutralized. According to surveillance camera footage, the two gunmen started shooting at a tram stop.

The attack coincided with Iran's launch of a series of ballistic missiles at Israel in retaliation for the Jewish state's ground military operation against the Iranian allied Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah, the Israeli army said. The sound of air raid sirens and explosions could be heard in Jerusalem and over the Jordan River Valley after Israeli authorities called on residents to head for the security of shelters.

According to Israeli military radio, Iran has fired nearly two hundred missiles at Israel. Iran's Revolutionary Guard said on state television that dozens of missiles had been launched on Israel. The Islamic Republic's elite group also warned that if Israel retaliates, Tehran's response will be even more devastating. Trump also reacted to the events, stressing that there had been no war in the Middle East during his presidency. He said the Hamas terror attack on Octorber 7 would not have happened if he had been in the White House.

Cover photo: Hungary's National Security Cabinet convenes to assess developments in the situation in the Middle East (Photo: PM's Press Office/ Zoltan Fischer)

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