Tamas Deutsch Contacts Manfred Weber Re Peter Magyar's Immunity

The MEP of Fidesz informed the leader of the European People's Party of the scandals surrounding Peter Magyar in a letter.

2024. 10. 03. 12:16
Tamas Deutsch, leader of the Fidesz-Christian Democrats EP group
Tamas Deutsch, leader of the Fidesz-Christian Democrats EP group (Photo: MTI/Tamas Purger)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Tamas Deutsch, Fidesz MEP, wrote a letter to Manfred Weber, leader of the European People's Party. In the letter posted on his Facebook page on Wednesday evening, the politician, as head of the Hungarian delegation in the Patriots for Europe group, informed Manfred Weber that Hungary's chief prosecutor has recently sent a request to the president of the European Parliament to suspend the immunity of  Peter Magyar, MEP and leader of the Tisza (Respect and Freedom) Party, due to the crime of theft.

He explained that, based on the findings in the investigation into the case and the information that has come to light so far, Peter Magyar was partying in a Budapest nightclub in the early hours of 21 June 2024. As he was in an intoxicated state and behaved outrageously, the security guards of the nightclub were forced to lead him out with a choke hold.

At the nightclub, among others, the victim involved in the criminal case filmed the MEP with his phone. After Peter Magyar and one of his companions noticed that the victim was filming, they got into an argument with him. During the scuffle, Peter Magyar snatched the phone out of the victim's hand and put it in his pocket. He did not return the phone at the victim's repeated requests, denying that it was with him. After being escorted out of the nightclub, Magyar headed for the Danube, followed by several people, including the victim. The MEP walked directly to the riverbank and deliberately dropped the phone into the Danube. According to the prosecution, this conduct may constitute a crime of theft.

He added that in response to the prosecutor's request, Peter Magyar announced that he will not waive his immunity, so the European Parliament will have to decide whether to lift it. "In order to avoid being held accountable, Peter Magyar is apparently doing everything he can to portray his disco scandal and the proceedings for the criminal offense he committed as political persecution. However, immunity is not a means for MEPs to place themselves above the law and abuse their position to avoid prosecution for criminal offenses," Tamas Deutsch wrote.

In view of all this, I respectfully request that you, as the leader of the European People's Party, make it clear without delay that you will not lend a helping hand to the abusive use of immunity, nor will you be an accomplice of Peter Magyar in avoiding prosecution. The laws apply to everyone, including Peter Magyar,

the politician said.

Magyar Nemzet's Brussels correspondent managed to ask Manfred Weber to comment on the scandal Peter Magyar is embroiled in. Weber finds this case so embarrassing that he suddenly ran out of time for the media, and said he would like to talk about it another time.

Cover photo: Tamas Deutsch, leader of the Fidesz-Christian Democrats EP group (Photo: MTI/Tamas Purger)

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