Even Manfred Weber Finds Peter Magyar's Case Embarrassing

Manfred Weber was caught off guard and uncomfortable when we inquired about Peter Magyar’s immunity case.

2024. 10. 03. 10:47
Manfred Weber in the European Parliament on October 1, 2024 (Source: X/Manfred Weber)
Manfred Weber in the European Parliament on October 1, 2024 (Source: X/Manfred Weber)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

When Manfred Weber, leader of the European People's Party (EPP), attended a meeting of the Conference of Presidents composed of the European Parliament President and group leaders, Magyar Nemzet's  Brussels correspondent managed to catch up with him. The German politician was happy to engage with the press, until we asked about Peter Magyar and his immunity case.

Upon hearing the question, Mr. Weber swiftly claimed that he no longer had time for the media, managing a strained smile and saying: 'Let’s talk about this another time.'"


Manfred Weber az Elnökök Értekezletének ülésén 2024.10.02-án.
Manfred Weber at the Conference of Presidents on October 2, 2024. (Photo: Magyar Nemzet)

As Magyar Nemzet previously highlighted, Peter Magyar’s brawl at Budapest's Otkert nightclub has caused a major scandal, leading to proceedings aimed at suspending his parliamentary immunity. According to multiple witnesses, Mr. Magyar behaved disgracefully after consuming a large amount of alcohol that night. Several people present filmed the incident, during which Mr. Magyar forcibly grabbed a phone from a man’s hand. After being escorted out of the club by security, he threw the phone into the Danube. Following multiple complaints, police launched an investigation into vandalism and disorderly conduct. Since Mr. Magyar holds parliamentary immunity, the case was transferred to the Central Chief Prosecution Office (KNYF), which, a week ago, requested the suspension of the opposition politician’s immunity from the European Parliament. Despite the ongoing investigation, Peter Magyar refuses to waive his immunity, even though he repeatedly advocated for its abolition during his campaign.

As is widely known, Manfred Weber, a politician more famous for his corruption scandals, isn't entirely above reproach either. The EPP's chicanerous leader has unlawfully pocketed 400,000 euros of European taxpayers' money through dubious legal loopholes. In 2019, members of the European Parliament received €4,332 per month - around 1.4 million forints - for general expenses, primarily intended for maintaining an official office. However, Mr. Weber deceptively designated part of his family home as a party office, in a bid to pocket the funds that were meant to cover his office rent.

Mr. Weber converted the ground floor of his house in Wildenberg into an office, clearly with a view to keeping the money he received for office rent, V4NA highlighted. Journalists from the news agency saw the house in Wildenberg for themselves, noting that Mr. Weber hadn’t even bothered to put up a sign indicating that it was his office.

Weber irodának használt háza (Holunderweg 9a, 93359 Wildenberg)
Mr. Weber's house used as an office (Holunderweg 9a, 93359 Wildenberg) Photo: V4NA


Cover photo: Manfred Weber in the European Parliament on October 1, 2024 (Source: X/Manfred Weber)

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