Hungarians Support Tightening, Not Drug Liberalization

The Hungarian society largely agrees with the proposal to immediately confiscate the assets of a drug dealer under prosecution, the Drug Research Institute found. The study by the organization reveals that Hungarians also support the spending of money from confiscation of traffickers' property on drug prevention programs.

2024. 11. 11. 15:12
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Between 4,000 and 8,000 drug abuse cases are closed every year, which reflects the seriousness of the drug problem in Hungary, according to the Drug Research Institute (Dki) headed by Kristof Teglasy, strategic director. Based on seizure statistics, marijuana is the most common drug in terms of both the number and the quantity of seizures. In addition, the black market presence of cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine and LSD has been at similar levels for years. In addition to classic drug types, new psychoactive substances, commonly known as designer drugs, are gaining popularity. These drugs are often linked to organized crime, posing a serious risk to national security. Hungary continues to be a transit and destination country for drug smuggling, with domestic production of marijuana on the rise.

Hungarians want tougher action

Drug trafficking is one of the most severely punished crimes. The level of penalties imposed depends on the gravity of the offence committed and the amount of drugs in question. The law also allows for the confiscation of the offender's assets, and the authorities can use this money to support drug prevention, improve treatment and care programs and cut down on the supply of drugs. Dki's research shows that the public would support even tougher measures, with 55 percent of the respondents agreeing with heavier punishments to curb drug trafficking.

A large majority of respondents also agreed with the proposal that prosecuted drug dealers' assets, cars or jewelry, which can be proven to have been obtained on money from drug trafficking, should be immediately confiscated, without having to wait for years for the court proceedings to end, and that this money should be spent on drug prevention.

Drug cases often cross borders, and perpetrators can receive prison sentences of up to twenty years. The duration of sentences can vary considerably depending on the complexity of the case, the number of perpetrators and the existence of international networks, and the final sentencing can take from several months to several years. Court proceedings, including hearings, gathering evidence, and legal motions, can extend the process by additional months or even years.


Positive impacts of tightening

The Dki stressed that there are several ways to tighten legislation against drug trafficking. On the one hand, heavier penalties can increase deterrence, especially for repeat offenders. In addition, 

by extending the asset confiscation procedures, the financial background of criminal organizations can be weakened, which can be a significant setback to drug trafficking.

The study highlighted the importance of regularly updating the list of banned or controlled drugs and of regulating new psychoactive substances keeping up with market dynamics, thus narrowing legal loopholes. Strengthening international cooperation and global data sharing is also of great importance, especially in the fight against international drug trafficking networks, which can play a key role in addressing pressing social problems.
By introducing stricter legal measures, the aim is to strengthen social norms and help further curb drug trafficking, thereby improving the overall security and public health of society, Dki said.

Cover photo: The Hungarian society is increasingly aware of the danger and wants to see tougher action against drug traffickers (Source:

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