Incompetent Fools

Well, what we feared has happened: the terror that we now dread every Christmas, every Easter, and every weekday, has struck once again - this time, in Germany.

2024. 12. 21. 17:06
Terrorist attack in Magdeburg, Germany (Photo: AFP)
Terrorist attack in Magdeburg, Germany (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Well, what we feared has happened: the terror that we now dread every Christmas, every Easter, and every weekday, has struck once again - this time, in Germany. At the Magdeburg Christmas market, a car was driven into the crowd, killing at least two people - although other sources report eleven dead- and many others were injured. (This simple, grimly disheartening statement raises two questions. First: after the terrorist attacks of the past decade, how could a killer simply drive into a Christmas market? And second: why is it that, even hours after the event, authorities still cannot provide an accurate death toll?)

The German press, of course, is already trying to downplay the incident, claiming that the Saudi-born perpetrator is reportedly radically anti-Islamic and a supporter of the AfD. They say there is no Islamist terror involved, no connection to immigration, since the killer has lived in Germany for nearly twenty years. We might end up seeing them blame the entire thing on the AfD!

As if it mattered which political party the terrorist sympathized with, or how much sugar he takes in his coffee.

One thing is certain: the German state, both at the regional and federal level, is incapable of protecting its citizens. Following the incident, Elon Musk wrote on X about German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: 'An incompetent fool.' And indeed, they are all incompetent fools—every one of them—those who, for the past ten years, have glorified, supported, and encouraged immigration with their so-called 'Willkommenskultur' (Welcome Culture), migration pacts, financial incentives, threats against anti-immigration politicians, and punishments. They are incompetent fools, but not just that. They are traitors to their own people, betrayers of their own culture, kidnappers of Europe, accomplices and co-conspirators in every murder, in every act of terror. The blood of the child slaughtered at the Magdeburg market is on their hands! They were there during the Bataclan massacre, as well as the attacks in Brussels, Nice, and London, the bombings, the car assaults—and they were the ones holding the killers' hands as they wielded knives. The leaders of EU countries, the half-witted members of the Brussels Commission, the judges, and the bureaucrats are all responsible for these senseless deaths

While we pray for the victims, let us thank God that such horrors have not yet occurred here, in Hungary. Because the perennial Magyar Peters of the Hungarian left and liberal forces have done everything—and continue to do everything—to bring hell upon us. Has this dazed mayfly of a politician ever considered the danger he has brought upon the entire country with his lies about Syrian planes? Do they ever think that if we bowed to Brussels' will, Hungary would be flooded with tens or even hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants, perhaps including a dozen terrorists, just waiting for the opportunity to kill

Dora David, an MEP of the Tisza Party, says: 'I think we need to change the approach, so that we don’t exclude anyone and accept everyone. We live in a representative democracy, and the word 'representative' implies that we try to involve everyone’s interests in the dialogue…' She should go to the parents of the child killed in Magdeburg and spit this twisted mantra straight into their faces...

It is easy to babble nonsense from the comfort of Brussels’ seats, but unfortunately, this nonsense kills. It kills women, men, and children. And the accomplices of terrorists should never again be allowed anywhere near power.

Cover photo: Terrorist attack in Magdeburg (Photo: AFP)


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