Brussels Corruption Scandal Deepens with New Indictments

The corruption investigation centered on the European Parliament and conducted in Belgium resulted in three new indictments late last year. The accused are members of the EP's Socialist and Democrats (S&D) parliamentary group, who allegedly accepted invitations and cash payments from Morocco and Qatar in exchange for presenting these countries more favorably in parliamentary resolutions on human rights.

2025. 01. 09. 16:32
Brussels bureaucracy riddled with corruption and "bag men" (Photo: AFP)
Brussels bureaucracy riddled with corruption and "bag men" (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Belgian investigation into alleged corruption in Brussels, within the European Parliament, has led to three new indictments at the end of 2024, according to a Wednesday report by Le Soir newspaper. The accused were linked to the Socialist and Democrats (S&D) parliamentary group and worked in the circles of two key figures in the scandal: former Italian socialist MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri, and Francesco Giorgi.

The identities of the three newly indicted men have not been disclosed. According to Le Soir, they are suspected of exploiting invitations from Qatar - such as attending a 2022 FIFA World Cup match - and of accepting cash payments from Morocco and Qatar. Authorities allege that these two countries used corruption as a tool to bolster their reputations on human rights issues.

The scandal first broke in December 2022, when authorities made multiple arrests in Brussels and law enforcement officials seized substantial amounts of cash. Among the implicated were Pier Antonio Panzeri and Eva Kaili, a Greek Vice President of the European Parliament, with cash discovered at their residences. Indictments have also been brought against Francesco Giorgi, Ms.Kaili's former partner and Mr. Panzeri’s former assistant, as well as two other former socialist MEPs, Belgian Marc Tarabella and Italian Andrea Cozzolino.

With the latest three indictments, the number of individuals implicated in the corruption case has risen to approximately fifteen, according to Le Soir. The indictments were announced during a closed-door hearing in Brussels on Tuesday, where judges reviewed the procedural validity of the investigation.

For over a year, the investigation has faced delays due to challenges raised by various defense attorneys regarding the legality of the criminal proceedings. A trial date has not yet been set.

Cover photo: Brussels bureaucracy riddled with corruption and "bag men" (Photo: AFP)

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