Fidesz VP Welcomed with Standing Ovation in Washington

The Patriots' delegation, led by Kinga Gal and Santiago Abascal, was greeted by Tucker Carlson and Rick Santorum.

2025. 01. 20. 11:42
The Patriots' delegation in Washington (Source: Facebook/Kinga Gal)
The Patriots' delegation in Washington (Source: Facebook/Kinga Gal)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Washington is already abuzz with inauguration fever, according to Fidesz Vice President Kinga Gal, who shared updates on her social media. Ms. Gal, one of the leaders of the Patriots' delegation, is attending events in the U.S. capital in honor of Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration.

Rick Santorum is a former senator and a great friend of Hungary, and the Patriots received a particularly warm welcome at an event he organized,

– Ms. Gal wrote.

The Patriots' delegation was not only greeted by Mr. Santorum at the high-profile pre-inauguration event, but also received a warm welcome from prominent conservative commentator Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson specifically emphasized that Hungary deserves a better U.S. ambassador than the previous one,

– emphasized Fidesz VP Kinga Gal, who, in this capacity, was personally greeted with a strong round of applause from those in attendance.

Ms. Gal also shared a group photo of the sizable Patriots' delegation currently in Washington.

As Magyar Nemzet previously reported, the Patriots' delegation is co-led by Kinga Gal and Santiago Abascal and has scheduled several important meetings in the United States. Donald Trump’s inauguration as the next U.S. president marks a potential milestone for transatlantic patriot cooperation and the relationship between Europe and the United States. Ms. Gal also met with Sebastian Gorka, Trump’s senior counterterrorism advisor.

Cover Photo: The Patriots' delegation in Washington (Source: Facebook/Kinga Gal)

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