Patriots to Meet in Madrid

On February 8, the Patriots for Europe will hold a major assembly in Madrid. The event, titled "Make Europe Great Again," echoes the slogan made popular by U.S. President Donald Trump.

2025. 01. 28. 11:32
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Rally (Photo: AFP)
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Rally (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

On February 8, Patriots for Europe will hold a major assembly titled "Make Europe Great Again" in Madrid, writes the Brussels-based Politico news outlet.

A Patrióták Európáért megalakulásának bejelentése Bécsben
Announcement of the founding of the Patriots for Europe in Vienna (Photo: APA-PictureDesk via AFP)

The event’s title deliberately mirrors the slogan of U.S. President Donald Trump, whose victory is viewed as an inspiration for the Patriots, the third-largest group in the European Parliament with 86 members, to push for change in Brussels.

While PM Orban is currently the sole representative of the Patriots in the European Council, this could change, Politico notes, referring to the ongoing coalition talks in Austria. In the neighboring country, Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) chief Herbert Kickl is seen as a strong contender for the chancellorship.

Other members of the Patriots are also significant political forces in their respective countries. In France, the National Rally led by Marine Le Pen is leading public opinion polls, while Andrej Babis’s ANO movement tops the approval ratings in the Czech Republic ahead of the October elections.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Rally (Photo: AFP)

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