It’s Now Certain: Green Deal Must Be Reconsidered

At a round table discussion organized by MCC Brussels, experts sharply criticized the European Union's green policy. Frank Furedi argued that the Green Agenda has become an unquestionable political ideology, while MEP Roman Haider warned that the Green Deal is destroying industry, raising energy prices, and stifling innovation. Bernadett Petri, ministerial commissioner, accused the EU of abusing its power, while Nicolas Ravailhe, an academic, emphasized the importance of nuclear energy.

2025. 02. 24. 16:55
Round table discussion on the Green Deal (Photo: Facebook/MCC Brussels)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

At the event organized by MCC Brussels, the European Union’s green policy came under heavy criticism. Frank Furedi, executive director of MCC Brussels, argued that green ideology is actually concealing the EU’s efficiency problems. "In the late 1970s, there was a crisis of values, and into that vacuum, Green politicians stepped in and suddenly became stars. The whole media network began to worship at the altar of the Green Agenda, giving answers to problems that do not exist," he pointed out.

Green was turned into a political ideology that could not be questioned,

said Frank Furedi.

Roman Haider, an MEP from Austria's FPO party, stated that the Green Deal is destroying industry, increasing energy prices, and hindering innovation. He argued that the current policy has failed, and Europe needs measures that reduce energy prices, encourage innovation, and serve the interests of both businesses and citizens.

 Bernadett Petri, Ministerial Commissioner for Directly Managed EU Funds of Hungary, highlighted

a systemic issue within the EU’s functioning, as revealed by the failure of the Green Deal.

She argued that the EU is abusing its power when it acts without a clear mandate from citizens, disregarding the interests of businesses and the well-being of the people. She stressed that European taxpayers and their money deserve more respect, as they are currently funding the Green Deal lobby instead of real solutions.

The scandal surrounding Frans Timmermans is an example of this problem: the EU has been funding its own propaganda with resources that were supposed to be allocated for sustainable development and green policies. Urgent action is needed—not only to rethink the green policy but to reconsider how the EU itself operates, Bernadett Petri argued.

Cover photo: Round table discussion on the Green Deal (Photo: Facebook/MCC Brussels)

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