Polish President Considers the Charges Against Tusk Well-Founded

The current Polish government, led by Donald Tusk, may have committed a series of blatant legal violations, said Polish President Andrzej Duda in an interview regarding the investigation launched against Tusk on suspicion of a coup. Duda stated that while he had not seen the official filing, he was confident that the president of the Constitutional Tribunal, an experienced prosecutor, had submitted a legally well-founded document.

2025. 02. 06. 11:32
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In a televised interview, President Andrzej Duda expressed his belief that Donald Tusk’s government had committed multiple serious breaches of the constitution.


Andrzej Duda szerint Donald Tusk kormánya kirívó törvénysértéseket követett el
According to Andrzej Duda, Donald Tusk's government has committed blatant violations of the law (Photo: Anadolu via AFP)

We are undoubtedly facing a series of repeated and continuous, blatant violations of the law, committed by various individuals currently exercising executive power, namely members of the government. I have no doubts about this,

Duda was quoted as saying by the Polish news portal WP Wiadomosci .

Polish President Andrzej Duda (Photo: Sergei GAPON / AFP)

As reported on Wednesday, Bogdan Swieczkowski, president of the Constitutional Tribunal, initiated a prosecution against Prime Minister Donald Tusk and several other high-ranking politicians on suspicion of an attempted coup. Swieczkowski claims that Tusk and other politicians from the ruling party carried out a "stealth coup" and abused executive power.

I have not seen the filing submitted by Tribunal President Swieczkowski. However, I'd remind everyone that he is a highly experienced prosecutor, and as for the elements of the crime, I believe he had no difficulty in formulating such a complaint, 

Duda stated.

Donald Tusk responded rather lightheartedly to the accusations. He posted a video on social media showing himself playing ping pong. When someone behind the camera asked him about the coup allegations, he simply replied: "Leave me alone, serious things are happening here, we’ll deal with that later."

Tusk’s casual attitude did not sit well with everyone, as Polish news portal Wpolityce pointed out.

It’s unbelievable that this man is actually leading a country of nearly forty million people in the heart of Europe,

" wrote Arkadiusz Mularczyk, a European Parliament member from the Law and Justice (PiS) party.

Who is more infantile than me? You will never beat me at this!

Stanislaw Janecki, an editor at the Polish news site Sieci, sarcastically responded.

Cover photo: Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk. (Photo: JOHN THYS / AFP)

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