Tamas Menczer: Ukraine Should Not Join the EU

In a social media post, the communications director of the Fidesz–Christian Democrat (KDNP) party alliance emphasized that Ukraine's EU membership is unacceptable, citing, among other reasons, the country's failure to respect the rights of the Hungarian national community in Transcarpathia and the severe financial consequences of Ukraine joining the bloc. He warned that agricultural subsidies — funds meant for Hungarian farmers — would immediately be redirected to Ukraine.

2025. 02. 17. 10:39
Fidesz-KDNP Communications Director Tamas Menczer (Photo: KKM)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Should Ukraine join NATO? Should Ukraine join the EU? No, it should not! The Trump administration has made it clear: Ukraine’s NATO membership is not a realistic prospect. The Trump administration has also stated unequivocally that Ukraine will not regain all its occupied territories. Donald Trump wants negotiations and peace. Trump stands on the foundation of common sense and reality – unlike Brussels!

– wrote Tamas Menczer in a social media post. He added:

The bureaucrats in Brussels and the pro-war politicians refuse to recognize, let alone admit, their mistakes. Brussels wants to prolong the war, pour even more money into it, and even finance it on America’s behalf. This is absolutely outrageous! On top of that, Brussels wants to bring Ukraine into the European Union – something that is simply unacceptable! It is unacceptable because Ukraine is not fit for EU membership and does not meet the necessary criteria. It is unacceptable because the rights of the Hungarian national community in Transcarpathia are not being respected.

– The politician went on to stress: 

And it is also unacceptable because Ukraine’s EU membership would have extremely severe and negative financial consequences. For example, agricultural subsidies – i.e. Hungarian farmers’ money – would immediately be funneled to Ukraine. Our position is simple and crystal clear: Hungary comes first!



Cover photo: Fidesz–KDNP Communications Director Tamas Menczer (Source: KKM)

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