MPs Submit Proposal to Make Mothers Under 30 PIT-Free

The government continues to expand its family support scheme.

2025. 03. 25. 9:37
State Secretary for Family Affairs Zsofia Koncz (Photo: Eszak-Magyarország / Janos Vajda)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Fidesz lawmakers have submitted a bill proposing income tax (PIT) exemption for mothers under the age of 30, as announced by Zsofia Koncz. Referring to the measure as part of Europe's largest tax reduction program, the state secretary for family affairs explained that,

 starting in January 2026, the upper income limit tied to the average wage will be eliminated for mothers under 30, allowing them to receive a full persoal income tax refund alter their salaries.

Ms. Koncz noted that mothers with four or more children already enjoy this type of tax exemption, while those with three or two children will also become exempt by January 2026.

From 2026, families raising one child will be eligible for a monthly family tax allowance of 20,000 forints and, thanks to the personal income tax exemption of mothers under 30, an average of 109,000 forints will remain in the family budget.

Altogether, this will amount to an additional 129,000 forints in monthly income for these families.

As an additional relief, mothers under 30 whose child was born before January 1, 2023, will also be eligible for the personal income tax exemption next year.

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