It's a telltale sign that a Hungarian journalist from Uppsala can shed a ray of reality on the envied wealth of Sweden; Magyar Nemzet’s interview with a Hungarian Lutheran pastor, who has served his Swedish congregation for over 30 years, exposed the widely-revered country’s “immunodeficiencies”. Zoltán Bugnyár, Magyar Nemzet journalist, spoke with a colleague of mine who I personally don’t know, forced to step down from his religious calling due to the ecclesiastical court’s squabbling over his online blog post. The author of the blog in question, Iván Knézy, wrote: “Sweden has become the north’s caliphate” and that the EU, the Swedish government, and his church’s archbishop are all contributing to the downfall of Europe. (As you may have read in the interview, the day following the blog posting, the largest county newspaper, public service radio and TV station were all “reporting” on the case, while the relevant ecclesiastical authority launched an immediate investigation to determine if he was worthy of his pastoral position.)

PM Orban: Ukraine’s EU Membership Would Devastate the Hungarian Economy
Ukraine’s accession to the European Union would ruin the Hungarian economy, Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared Friday on Kossuth Radio’s Good Morning, Hungary! program.