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18:002024. június 29.
21:002024. június 29.

„It’s not the factory they have a problem with, but the fact it’s being built here”

„What they accuse of potentially destroying the environment in Debrecen could become the flagship of environmental protection in Germany,” said State Secretary Csaba Dömötör in connection with the protests against the Debrecen battery plant. He believes the Left’s problem is not with the construction of the battery factory, but rather that it is happening in Hungary. According to green political party LMP (Politics Can be Different), there is no contradiction; LMP parliamentary representative László Lóránt Keresztes believes there are already enough of such factories in Hungary.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 01. 29. 13:27
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

„The self-proclaimed green Hungarian Left has aggressively attacked the planned CATL battery investment in Debrecen to the point of violence,” said Csaba Dömötör after a woman was hit in the face at a recent public hearing in Debrecen after arguing in favor of the plant. The State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office pointed out that, „their German allies and partners (to avoid using the word sponsors) are applauding this very same company for opening the first European battery plant in Thuringia. In the same Thuringia governed by a socialist-green coalition. […] They welcomed the factory as warmly as possible there. The minister of environmental protection even accelerated the approval procedures and referred to the whole thing as a ‘green battery factory’,” said the Fidesz politician. 


According to Csaba Dömötör, what they accuse of potentially destroying the environment in Debrecen could become the flagship of environmental protection in Germany.  


„It’s not the factory they have a problem with, but the fact it’s being built here in Hungary. And the domestic Left is joining their campaign. The only thing worse than this would be if they were getting foreign money stuffed into their pockets. For example, in dollars,” hinted Csaba Dömötör, referring to the Left’s US dollar funding scandal. It is worth noting that the left-wing media sang hymns of praise of the German factories, but strongly criticized the Hungarian investment, which would create more than 9,000 jobs. 

Our paper reached out to one of the main voices protesting against the battery plant, László Lóránt Keresztes who believes that there is no contradiction in the fact that the German Greens are welcoming the factory while LMP – which identify as the Hungarian Greens – oppose it. The parliamentary representative said, 


The plant planned for Debrecen is much bigger than the one in Thuringia and actually there are more than enough battery plants already in Hungary. 


It is unacceptable that every week the construction of a new factory is announced,” stated László Lóránt Keresztes. 

The LMP representative believes it is clear that the people of Debrecen do not want the factory. In connection with the ominous public debate, his impression was that the majority of protesters were locals, but 


he has nothing against speakers coming from elsewhere to visit the forum, as he himself is from Pécs. 


He did say however that he participated in the event as the head of the Parliament’s sustainable development committee.  

In answer to the question of why they did not start collecting the signatures required for a local referendum earlier, he responded that at this point, the question of the battery plant has become a country-wide, national issue.  


Today no city is safe – a new factory could be made anywhere.  


This is why LMP is initiating a national referendum; if the National Election Office refuses to call it, they will initiate a local one again.  

LMP’s biggest fear is that the factory will pollute the environment and according to Keresztes, the government cannot be expected to act in this case to protect the environment. Aside from this, he believes they will use up our natural treasures and bring the profits out of the country.  

These accusations were already answered by Debrecen’s mayor: László Papp (Fidesz–KDNP) understands clearly that at this time, people are most concerned with issues related to the environment. In response to the issues surrounding water, he stated that the factory will only use a tenth of the rumored amount of water (3378 cubic meters/day) and they will mainly use purified wastewater. „These plants produce locally, provide career opportunities locally, pay taxes locally and enrich this city,” stated László Papp. 


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