Deputy Minister: Migrant quota is unacceptable

It is still not too late to act at a pan-European level, but Brussels is not moving in that direction, according to Hungary's deputy minister for regional development.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 06. 21. 16:27
Budapest, Latorczai Csaba Államtitkár irodájában Fotó: Teknős Miklós
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– While most migrants yearn for European living standards, Europe's culture and civilization mean nothing to them, Hungary's deputy minister in charge of regional development told commercial Hír TV on Tuesday. Csaba Latorcai pointed out that this is causing frustration for migrants, which is a serious problem, because their numbers in some Western European countries  have reached such a critical level that authorities can no longer do anything, and migrant violence is rampant.

– The Hungarian government has been the only one to offer a solution from the very first moment, saying that instead of importing the problem, we should deliver help to the countries facing real problems," the state secretary said. He recalled that the admission of genuine refugees has enjoyed support from the get go, adding, however, that the masses coming to Europe are made up of economic migrants. 

It's still not too late to take action against this at a pan-European level, but the problem is that Brussels is not moving in this direction, he opined.

– It is unacceptable that countries not wishing to take in violent migrants should force them on others, making them pay after each rejected migrant, Me Latorcai said, adding that they will do everything to prevent such people from entering Hungary. He pointed out that during the European Parliament elections in the 2024, people will also have a say with their votes to decide whether they support the migrant quota, or not.

We should strive to achieve such results at the EP elections that will secure the majority for political groups promising tough action against migrants,

– he said.

The executive secretary-general of the co-ruling Cristian Democrats (KDNP) spoke about his party's initiative to erect crosses for peace. By putting up crosses, we can express our desire for peace. In comparison, this idea is being mocked by the leftist-liberal media, and they think that there's another path to peace," Mr Latorcai said. The politician also underlined that there are two options to choose from: peace offered by Christianity, or the piles of dead bodies offered by liberals.


Cover photo: Csaba Latorcai, Hungary's Deputy Minister for Regional Development, (Photo: Miklos Teknos)


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