Dutch politician Frans Timmermans, who has resigned as first vice-president of the European Commission, has made some astonishing statements during his European career. As Magyar Nemzet reported earlier, the politician has proposed a carbon tax on European motorists, and has called Hungary to account for not showing solidarity in the war in Ukraine, apparently forgetting about Hungary's biggest aid programme.
Loyal Soros soldier to leave Brussels, his path marred by scandals
This past winter Frans Timmermans said that Europeans should contribute to the fight against Russia by heating less.
The politician living in luxury had been a champion of admitting the illegal migrants flowing into Europe, and has repeatedly attacked Hungary for its conservative policies on multiculturalism, LGBTQ rights and the rule of law, despite proceedings being initiated against him on charges of abuse of office and political pressuring.
Later it was also revealed that he has close ties with George Soros, and that they have met several times. This is evidenced, for example, by calendar entries in Brussels.
In addition, as the V4NA news agency pointed out earlier, Timmermans came out with the following idea this past winter, while everyone in Europe was worried about whether there would be enough gas to heat homes:
Europeans can help fight Vladimir Putin by turning down the heat in their homes.
He added, "It is difficult. It's damn hard, but it's possible. We can do it, and we can do it quickly. We just need courage and toughness to achieve it. If ever there was a time to do it, this is it. Our choices will determine how much energy we consume and how strong we are in our response to Russia."
In fact, he has previously argued that people should cycle instead of drive, bathe less frequently and for shorter periods. In addition, clothes should not be washed in washing machines, but instead "it would be enough to just air them out".
However, the portal also pointed out that while Timmermans was making such appeals to European citizens, he himself is living in luxury surroundings in Tervuren, a residential area with swimming pools and sports fields, a mere 15-minute drive from the European Union institutions in Brussels.
The outgoing Commission VP lives in a 12-room, multi-storey property built in 1937. He bought the building for around €500,000 12 years ago, but it is now worth double that.
The house has an energy rating of "G", one of the worst on the scale used in the EU. According to V4NA, Timmermans "is demanding from here that people switch to renewable energy sources that are sometimes unaffordable for ordinary citizens, while he himself has not bothered to install solar panels on his house or otherwise improve its energy rating".
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Cover photo: Frans Timmermans, stepping down as first vice-president of the European Commission, will be the leader of the combined Dutch Labour and the Green Left parties in the Dutch national elections in November (Source: Joop/Twitter)
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