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MEP Tamas Deutsch: This is the point-by-point implementation of the Soros plan

According to the Fidesz MEP, the proposed new EU migration regulation is far more severe than it seemed at first sight.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 07. 09. 13:25
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

They want to force a scandalous new European solution down our country's throat. However, we will not implement these erroneous Brussels decisions,

Tamas Deutsch stressed  in connection with the proposed new European migration regulation on public radio MR1's Sunday morning programme. According to the Hungarian Fidesz MEP, the reason for the new draft is that the ideology of multiculturalism in Western Europe has collapsed, and the practice of allowing illegal migration to take place unchecked has had catastrophic consequences. We see this every day in France, where there is a civil war-like situation. But not so long ago, there was also mass violence during the New Year's Eve party outside Cologne Cathedral, as well as the terrorist attacks in Brussels and Paris," he pointed out.

Describing the details of the new legislative package, the politician said that it is even more severe than it seemed at first sight, because it is practically a multiple-fold quota system. 

On the one hand, the Brussels decision means the establishment of a legal obligation, whereby the migrants arriving in Western Europe due to the flawed policy that greenlights illegal migration and who are already too much of a burden there, would be forcibly resettled in Hungary. The additional quota system would require that Hungary also evaluate the entry claims of migrants waiting beyond the borders of Western European countries. They want to burden us with the assessment of almost ten thousand illegal migrants, who, in the mean time, also have to be provided with accommodation and food by us on par with that of a university dormitory,

the MEP explained, adding that migrant ghettos with capacities commensurate with the populations of the Hungarian cities of Paks, Baja or Esztergom would have to be created. These ghettos would also have to be open, allowing for the free movement of migrants which would pose public safety and public health risks.

Mr Deutsch also pointed out that

years ago, Gorge Soros formulated a plan for how migrants should be resettled in Europe. Two or three of these points now appear practically unaltered in the draft of the new European migration pact. We can say this is the implementation of the Soros plan point by point, so Ursula von der Leyen is among the best European students of George Soros and his successor, Alexander Soros,

 he stressed.

At the same time, the Fidesz MEP stated that Hungary is Europe's defender, as last year the number of illegal migrants stopped by Hungary at the Serbian-Hungarian border exceeded a quarter of a million, while in the past half a decade Hungary has prevented the entry of one million migrants who were trying to enter Europe illegally, putting it at the top of the list. That is why no amount of pressure from Brussels can thwart Hungary's intentions and decisions, he said.


Cover photo: MEP Tamas Deutsch, leader of the Fidesz Group in the European Parliament (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)

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