Liberal 'Democracy' Bares Its Teeth

The headquarters of Poland's public broadcaster were seized by physical force, and in Colorado the Democratic Supreme Court has banned the most likely Republican candidate from running.

2023. 12. 25. 12:34
Varsó, 2023. december 20. Rendõrök a lengyel közszolgálati televízió, a TVP varsói székháza elõtt 2023. december 20-án. Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz lengyel kulturális és örökségvédelmi miniszter a nap folyamán felmentette a közszolgálati televízió és rádió, valamint a PAP állami hírügynökség vezérigazgatóit, és új felügyelõtanácsokat alakított ki a közmédiában. MTI/EPA/PAP/Kalbar Fotó: Kalbar
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In Poland, after the formation of the opposition government, "democracy" has set in, and the new cabinet is taking over the country's public television by force, Tamas Pindroch, senior analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights, told Hír FM radio. He emphasized that Poland will serve as a great litmus test in the coming weeks and months, revealing how the new liberal-green coalition is imposing its will by sheer physical force, and the EU is not speaking out against this, despite European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova being on site. 

US Democrats are using every means at their disposal to make life for the right wing's only candidate with any character, Donald Trump, impossible," Mr Pindroch recalled. Besides the Democratic Supreme Court's decision in Colorado, they are attacking the former president with numerous procedures. "Our message to Ambassador Pressman is to look around in his own country first, before lecturing us. Why is he not addressing these attacks on Trump, why is he denouncing our sovereignty protection bill? Hungary is under attack because its sovereigntist government is not acting in line with globalist interests. The Hungarian right represents the nation, whereas American progressives represent their ideology, not the American nation!" - he explained. 

The Center for Fundamental Rights turned 10 this year, their director of EU research Attila Kovacs said. In the last ten years, its activities in the legal field, in the public realm and, more recently, in the international arena have made the Center a major player both in Hungary, and internationally. This construction will continue next year, with an ever wider spectrum and ever greater intensity, and 2024 will be a very busy year: EP and local elections in June, Hungary's EU Presidency in the second half of the year, the formation of a new European Commission, and all this is not unconnected to the US presidential race to take place in November," Mr Kovacs said.

Today in Brussels, anyone who talks about peace, a ceasefire, some kind of solution to the armed conflict - namely the Russian-Ukrainian war  - and not about further bloodshed, is being stigmatized, the EU Research Director said. In 2023, everything we heard about in 2022 has gone up in smoke: a swift Ukrainian victory and Russia's economic and military collapse. The responses we hear from Brussels are just empty political slogans, smoke and mirrors. In geopolitical terms, the European Union became marginalized, which is the responsibility of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen," Attila Kovacs said. 

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Cover photo: illustration (Photo:MTI) 

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