State police in Germany are looking for a group of migrants who are suspected of beating up a man dressed in a Saint Nicholas costume on his way to a celebration, writes the international V4NA news agency.
Migrants Beat Up Saint Nicholas in Germany
During the attack, the assailants shouted that this was their country.
The 54-year-old victim was due to make an appearance at an event in Kassel on December 6, when he was attacked by a gang of young migrants.
The victim, Rainer B, said the gang was made up of several teenagers aged around 15 with a migrant background. He told the police that they began to throw insults, calling him a "bastard" and a "fat man". The youngsters tried to force him to take off his red costume, yelling that they are Muslims and that Germany is their country, the man told the daily Hessische Allgemeine.
The victim noted that several passers-by witnessed the attack and instead of intervening, they laughed and applauded the migrant attackers.
After he lodged a complaint with the authorities, the case was taken over by the state security agency.
Despite the atrocity, the man made it to the event, although his costume was torn in several places. He said the incident would not stop him from dressing up for the children again next year. However, in the future he will carry pepper spray to protect himself.
Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/EPA/Allison Dinner)
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