Hungary FM: The Threat of World War Looms Larger

"The situation in Europe is the most critical now," Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade has said.

2024. 03. 18. 11:23
Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter (Fotó: Facebook/Szijjártó Péter)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Peter Szijjarto left for Brussels again on Monday morning. According to the Facebook page of Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, a meeting of EU foreign ministers will take place, but the US Secretary of State will also join in, via a video link. 

The foreign ministers of the EU will meet in Brussels today, but there will also be a virtual, transatlantic meeting with the participation of the US Secretary of State,

– FM Szijjarto explained.

At the same time, FM Szijjarto pointed out that „the situation in Europe is at its most critical in the last two years and almost a month, and the threat of world war is becoming ever more acute”. He emphasized that „the leaders of Western Europe should admit that their strategy on the Ukraine war has failed, and if they had put half as much energy into peace-building as they did into weapon deliveries, we could have reached a ceasefire long ago”. Instead, under French leadership, using the „best defense is offense” principle, there is incitement of the direct threat of a looming world war, he added.

The possible deployment of ground troops to Ukraine would risk escalating the war and would run completely counter to NATO’s decisions to date,

– warned the foreign minister.

„We do not want war in Europe and we hope that our European colleagues will not continue to play with fire”, Mr Szijjarto concluded.

Cover photo: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)

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