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Swedish Gang Crime Could Spread to All Scandinavia

A report issued by police reveals that migrant gangs spilling over from neighboring countries pose a threat to public safety in the state.

Forrás: V4NA2024. 03. 23. 15:11
Police in Sweden are powerless against migrant gangs and crime knows no state borders (Photo: Henrik Hansson / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Sweden used to be seen as a model country by its neighboring state, but this image has since been shattered by gang violence and other consequences of mass migration, writes V4NA.

A svéd rendőrök egyre többször tehetetlenek a migránsokból álló bandák ellen (Fotó: JOHAN NILSSON / TT NEWS AGENCY / TT News Agency via AFP)
Swedish police are increasingly powerless against migrant gangs (Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT NEWS AGENCY / TT News Agency via AFP)

Recently, the Norwegian police presented their 2023 assessment of the security risks facing the country, and for the first time, the police stated that criminals from Sweden are one of the biggest threats to public safety in Norway. The authorities are concerned that criminals from Sweden with a propensity for violence are beginning to establish themselves in the country.

In an article Per-Willy Amundsen, chairman of the Norwegian Parliament’s Justice Committee and former justice minister, called the crime outflow from Sweden shocking. The politician claims that Norwegian criminals look like petty toddlers compared to those in Sweden. Amundsen argues that Norway must do everything in its power to avoid ending up in the same situation as Sweden.

Amundsen writes that Sweden has lost its innocence and its control over the monopoly of violence. Shootings, bombings and the brutal spiral of blood vengeance are now commonplace in the country.

Amundsen and his party have also recently ordered increased border controls on the border with Sweden to ensure that criminals are caught there and sent back to Sweden as soon as possible.

Since the Swedish authorities are no longer in control of their own territory and are unable to clean up the criminal mess, we, the neighboring countries, must bear the consequences,

the ex-minister said.

Denmark has recently introduced similar border controls with Sweden, citing an unmanageable increase in crime. Finland also now sees Sweden as a negative example. The head of state has said that Finland must change its liberal approach to ensure that it does not follow in Sweden’s footsteps.


Cover photo: Police in Sweden are powerless against migrant gangs and crime knows no state borders (Photo: Henrik Hansson / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP)

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