Unveiled: EU’s Implementation of Soros Plan

Last year, authorities have received more than one million asylum applications, Prime Minister Orban's top homeland security advisor said.

2024. 03. 26. 11:53
Gyorgy Bakondi, Prime Minister Orban's Chief Advisor on Homeland Security, held a press briefing on topical issues in relation to illegal immigration in the press room of the Prime Minister's Office, on January 10, 2024. (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– Illegal migration is on the rise, and the European Union’s response has not led to an increase in security, but rather only managed the migration wave, Prime Minister Orban’s chief advisor on homeland security told Hungary’s public broadcaster. The aim of the Soros plan, to take in and distribute one million illegal immigrants among European countries each year, is being realized, Gyorgy Bakondi underlined. Last year more than one million asylum applications were submitted to the authorities, he added. 

The supply is huge, including a significant increase and congestion on the Balkan route,

– he said. Mr Bakondi explained that individuals from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, and more recently, Africa, are now arriving via the Balkan route in growing numbers. He pointed out that, in addition to the quota-based distribution of migrants, the European Parliament has also adopted legislation to ensure that NGOs providing assistance to migrants are not criminally liable.

– „Even if they receive proportionate remuneration, they cannot be held accountable,” remarked Mr Bakondi, pointing out that there’s only a fine line between people smugglers and those who help in other ways, but for money. „The new legislation removes NGOs from the criminal jurisdiction of the state,” he opined, adding that the decision of the European Parliament is „unbelievable," as it fails to take into account even the most fundamental criteria of the rule of law.

PM Orban’s chief domestic security advisor also emphasized that some countries are not willing to wait for a sudden enlightenment in the EU and its apparatus changing its position on migration after 8-9 years. As an example, he cited the agreement between Italy and Albania, which stipulates that if someone is intercepted or rescued from the sea in non-Italian waters, they are not entitled to lodge an asylum claim on Italy’s territory.

Mr Bakondi stressed that since 2015, the presence of a terrorist threat is an undisputed fact. As the mass influx of young men with unknown identities into Europe poses a serious security threat to the people living on the continent, the issue should be addressed as a matter of priority, he said.

This necessitates a security-based approach, rather than a social one,

– he stressed. Poiting out that many migrants are becoming radicalized, he argued that a Muslim population exceeding than ten percent in any given country would have a significant impact on domestic security. It's time to recognize the threat posed by this uncontrolled, illegal influx of people, he said. Mr Bakondi expressed hope that the new majority in the European Parliament, following the EP elections, would give the security of external borders the importance it deserves.

Cover photo: Gyorgy Bakondi, PM Orban’s chief advisor on homeland security (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)

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