As early as 1993, George Soros expounded on how he envisions the future of NATO and published a number of articles, striking a rather bellicose tone.
Decades of Efforts by George Soros to Drive NATO and Europe Into War - Part One
Since the early 1990s, the American stock exchange speculator has regularly expressed his opinion and presented his plans on how he would switch Europe and NATO into war mode. He has also expounded on how, in his opinion, NATO should be enabled to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries in order to create liberal democracy. In its series, Magyar Nemzet will present how George Soros has been trying for decades to plunge the world into yet another war.
In one piece titled "Towards the new world order: the future of NATO" published thirty years ago, he also wrote about Eastern Europe: "The United States would not be called upon to act as the policeman of the world. When it acts, it would act in conjunction with others. Incidentally, the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership
because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act.
This is a viable alternative to the looming world disorder."
In other words, George Soros would have essentially used Eastern European soldiers as cannon fodder.
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In another writing, also penned in 1993, the American stock exchange speculator raised the question of what the point of maintaining a powerful military force is if we do not know how to use it. And just a few months later, he argued that
NATO's mission should be redefined to allow military intervention against nationalist societies.
Even then, more than thirty years ago, Soros would have set NATO on a war course, arguing that NATO's "original mission was to defend the free world against the Soviet empire. That mission is obsolete; but the collapse of the Soviet empire has left a security vacuum which has the potential of turning into a 'black hole'.
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"Therefore, if NATO has any mission at all, it is to project its power and influence into the [post-Soviet] region, and the mission is best defined in terms of open and closed societies," he went on.
In Soros's view, "closed societies based on nationalist principles constitute a threat to security because they need an enemy, either outside or within. But the threat is very different in character from the one NATO was constructed to confront, and a very different approach is required to combat this threat." He pointed out that:
It involves the building of democratic states and open societies and embedding them in a structure which precludes certain kinds of behavior. Only in case of failure does the prospect of military intervention arise.
And in 1997, the American billionaire wrote about the need for
NATO to interfere in the internal affairs of countries for the sake of liberal democracy.
He argued that "As regards security and peace, the liberal democracies of the world ought to take the lead and forge a global network of alliances, like NATO, that could work with or without the UN. Their primary purpose would be to preserve peace; but crisis prevention cannot start early enough. [...] For instance, a democratic and prosperous Russia would make a greater contribution to peace in the region than any amount of military spending by NATO would."
Interfering in other countries internal affairs is fraught with difficulties, but not interfering can be more dangerous,
George Soros wrote.
Cover photo: Hungarian-born US businessman George Soros, chair of New York-based Soros Fund Management, and his wife Tamiko at a ceremony in Berlin to celebrate the founding of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture on June 8, 2017 (Photo: MTI/EPA/Clemens Bilan)
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