The upscale Concert Noble will no longer be hosting next week's NatCon conference, Politico reported in an article on Saturday. According to the portal, the event has been billed as a "glittering gathering of right-wing political figures from across Europe".
New Venue Sought for 'Orban Conference' in Brussels Following Antifa Threats Targeting Concert Noble
MCC Brussels Executive Director Frank Furedi denounces what is happening as an absolute tragedy.

The future of the National Conservative conference due to take place in Brussels has come into doubt after the hosting venue withdrew from the event, Mandiner reports.
Invitees scheduled to take part in the conference include Hungary's PM Viktor Orban, former British Home Secretary Suella Braverman, Nigel Farage and French politician Eric Zemmour.
MCC Brussels, one of the co-organizers of the event, said that they are currently looking for an alternative venue. The think tank's Executive Director Frank Furedi, condemns the venue's decision to pull out.
Antifascists likely behind decision
“What has happened in these last few days represents nothing less than a crisis for free speech and political expression for all of Europe,” Furedi said. “It is an absolute tragedy that cancel culture has been welcomed into Brussels in the very heart of the European Union. Everyone, regardless of political affiliation, should be concerned about what is happening here,” he stressed. The article recalls that the Brussels Times had previously reported that
anti-fascist groups had called on the venue to reconsider and also announced planning to stage a protest against the event.
According to the portal, NatCon has emerged as a significant player on the international think-tank scene in recent years, and has a strong transatlantic focus. Next week’s gathering in Brussels was due to be its ninth event, with a further conference scheduled to take place in Washington this summer.
Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: Prime Minister's Press Office/Vivien Cher Benko)
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Istvan Gyarmati, security policy expert points out the dangers of Ukraine's EU accession.