PM Orban: Europe Is Balancing Between Freedom and Oppression + Video

In Brussels Prime Minister Viktor Orban told Hir TV that the far Left's decision Tuesday which temporarily banned the National Conservative conference is a clear indication of the state of the continent. Europe is balancing on the borderline between freedom and oppression.

Forrás: Hir TV2024. 04. 18. 11:36
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivers keynote speech at NatCon Conference at the Claridge Hotel in Brussels on April 17, 2024 (Photo: AFP/Simon Wohlfahrt) Fotó: Simon Wohlfahrt Forrás: AFP
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Hungarian PM reacted to the Belgian court overturning the Brussels socialist mayor's order to shut down the NatCon Conference:

This here is a symbolic event which accurately illustrates the situation on the continent. Europe today is balancing on the borderline between freedom and oppression.

One day they ban it, the next day they don't. It's just like in Hungary in the late 1980s, when the forces of freedom and those of oppression were battling each other. We are glad that we are still free to speak in Brussels,

he added.

When asked about national conservatism's top priorities, the PM stated,

Freedom, family and peace are the most important.


Cover photo: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivers keynote speech at NatCon Conference at the Claridge Hotel in Brussels on April 17, 2024 (Photo: AFP/Simon Wohlfahrt)




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