PM Orban: One Mistake, and Migration Will Ruin the Lives Of Our Grandchildren! + Video

Our hands are not shaking! We will protect the families, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban wrote on his social media regarding the impact of migration on Europe.

2024. 04. 18. 16:31
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban delivers a keynote speech at NatCon, the National Conservatism Conference in the Claridge Hotel in Brussels, on April 17, 2024 (Photo: AFP/Simon Wohlfahrt)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

I have grandchildren, who - according to reasonable calculations - will still be alive in 2100, so as a grandfather, I am keenly interested in what kind of a country Hungary will be in 2100,

– Prime Minister Orban said in a video posted on his social media.


I feel responsible for not doing anything that may be bad for my grandchildren in 2100. I am also responsible for doing everything I can now to ensure that they have a good life in 2100.

Thus, migration does have a historical horizon, Mr Orban added. 


What kind of civilization will Europe be? Will it be a Muslim civilization, a Christian civilization, or a mixture, and what will life be like?

– he asked.

I can say that living in a Christian society, even if it is not as strong as it was, is a wonderful thing. The best that I can imagine for our children and grandchildren.

– Viktor Orban said.

Cover photo: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban delivers a keynote speech at NatCon, the National Conservatism Conference in the Claridge Hotel in Brussels, on April 17, 2024 (Photo: AFP/Simon Wohlfahrt)

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