The situation is known and clear: the Hungarian government wants peace, Joe Biden and his man in Budapest, David Pressman, want the war to continue, said Tamas Menczer, communications director of Hungary's ruling Fidesz and Christian Democrats (KDNP).
Communications Chief: They Want to Coerce Hungary Into War
The situation is known and clear: the Hungarian government wants peace, Joe Biden and his man in Budapest, David Pressman, want the war to continue, the communications director said.
Posting on social media, the communications chief warned that
they want to coerce Hungary into the war.
He recalled that Joe Biden's house leader made it clear: they want to send troops to Ukraine. "Let there be no doubt, they would also take Hungarian soldiers to Ukraine to die," he added.
"Hungary's peace is the most important thing for us, and we want to protect the peace of our homeland," Tamas Menczer stressed. He wrote,
An immediate, unconditional ceasefire and peace negotiations are needed. We are sure that Donald Trump would be able to create peace, and if he had led America, this war might not have broken out.
Cover photo: Communications Director Tamas Menczer at a campaign event of the Fidesz and Christian Democrats held in the town of Ozd, northern Hungary (Photo: Janos Vajda)
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