PM Orban: Hungary to Back Dutch PM Rutte's Bid for NATO Chief

Hungary is ready to back the NATO secretary general nomination of outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in light of his pledge to fully support the agreement that no Hungarian personnel will participate in NATO's mission in Ukraine, and that no Hungarian funds will go to financing it, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban wrote on the X platform.

2024. 06. 19. 11:09
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Dutch Prime Miniser Mark Rutte (Source: Facebook/Viktor Orban)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In his message, the PM Orban recalled that following last week's European Parliament elections, when the majority of Hungarians voted for peace, an important agreement was reached with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

We agreed that no Hungarian personnel will take part in the activities of NATO in Ukraine and no Hungarian funds will be used to support them,

the Hungarian PM wrote, adding the next step this week was to gain assurances that the agreement withstands the test of time.

"Following yesterday's meeting in Brussels, Prime Minister Mark Rutte confirmed that he fully supports the agreement and will continue to do so if he becomes the next secretary general of NATO. In the light of his pledge, Hungary is ready to support Mr Rutte for the post of NATO secretary general," the PM said.

Mark Rutte also assured the Hungarian politician that his goal as NATO chief will be to treat all allies with the same level of understanding and respect.

Mark Rutte's Tuesday letter to Viktor Orban also appears in the post on X.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Dutch Prime Miniser Mark Rutte (Source: Facebook/Viktor Orban)


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