Donald Trump has always had political ambitions, his son Donald Trump jr. told the Hungarian Mandiner news portal in an interview.
If you're a man of action - and he is - sooner or later you'll have to get in the ring, you'll be talking from the sidelines for nothing,
Trump Jr. said, adding that his father clearly saw that the Washington elite would not stop the decline of the United States from within, because "once you become part of the Washington swamp, you'll get stuck".

The US has to be at war all the time because "if there is no war, you can't sell missiles, there is no money in peace", Donald Trump Jr. opined.
The son of the former US president said that his father sent him out as a child to work on construction sites because he believed if you wanted to build something, you had to know how to dig the foundations.
Perhaps this is where his special relationship with the ordinary people of America comes from, he also does his job well as a real estate developer: he spent time with these people on construction sites. He learned much more from them than from managers sitting in the office looking at spreadsheets. My father is essentially a blue-collar billionaire. I also owe my own voice to it. Sure, I can talk bullshit at fancy New York charity dinners, but I've always felt really comfortable with ordinary Americans,
Trump Jr. explained.
Speaking about this year's presidential election, he said that the Democrats are aware that they have no achievements and that they have nothing to campaign with. But they want to keep power at all costs, so they resort to other methods, "that's why they're trying to send their political opponents to jail".
If the events we saw in the last few years had taken place in Zimbabwe and not in the United States, the international community would have been calling for regime change, would have even intervened,
Donald Trump Jr. pointed out, adding that all this is not just about his father: he is in the way for them now, but they would do it to others.
Regarding the activities of current US president Joe Biden, he said that he did not believe that "anyone would think that Joe Biden would make these crazy decisions". According to him, the elderly president signs anything that is put in front of him and has no problem doing everything that former US President Barack Obama wanted to do, but did not because he feared people's reaction.
In fact, they enforce their will through him,
he said, referring to Obama and his environment.
To give an example, he mentioned Transgender Day of Visibility, which was deliberately held on Easter Sunday. The positive outcome of this, however, is that such and similar decisions
are so ridiculous that they draw people into politics who would just live their lives, occasionally read the mainstream media and even think what they read is true. But as soon as they are forced into politics, they can see with their own eyes what is going on. This is a huge win for our side.
Entering the Washington system as an outsider, one cannot know who one can count on and who is driven by what interests. According to his son, Donald Trump now "knows who he can trust, so he can work more effectively".
I think the other side is aware of this. They can see that a second Trump presidency could be much more effective and this is why they are trying to stop him so aggressively,
Trump Jr. opined.
When asked what Hungary can expect from a second Trump presidency, Donald Trump Jr. replied:
What if we stopped the war in Ukraine in about five minutes?
All that is needed is simply turning off the money tap and getting people to sit at the table, in his view.
I'm a new guy, not a politician, but I have brains and common sense: if you want peace, you'll have to bring the other side to the table,
he said, referring to the fact that Russia was not invited to the peace summit in Switzerland.
"What we are witnessing now in the Middle East would not have happened either if Trump had been in office," Donald Trump Jr. remarked.
This the nature of predators: malicious predators prey on the weak. If they sense weakness, if the US has a leader who can't remember where he is, falls off the stage several times a day, then they see it and attack. All the bad guys in the world take advantage of this. The Biden administration threw away 200 to 250 years of American hegemony because they care more about gender than common sense or the well-being and security of Americans,
the former US president's son highlighted.
As for Hungarian politics, Trump Jr said that "Viktor Orban is seen in the US as a great leader, because he is".
There is a well-thought-out strategy behind what he does, he wants people and his country to be successful,
he opined.
In contrast, in the United States, anyone who dares to say that America is first is held to account, even though "I've never seen a civilization that did not favor its own people".
Orban drives a lot of liberal idiots crazy, but for the conservative movement he is now one of the world's great leaders,
he emphasized.
Asked about the US ambassador in Budapest appointed by Joe Biden, the former president's son said that in his view, David Pressman's attacks are unprecedented, unjustified and ridiculous, as nothing is happening in Hungary that would harm the United States.
Most countries follow the moves globalists make instead of acting in the interests of their own citizens. They will attack anyone who dares to speak out against this, especially if they are successful, like Orban. Hungary is one of the few European countries where crime has not skyrocketed,
Donald Trump Jr. explained, adding that it is not the job of an ambassador to attack the host country in this way.
He painted a gloomy picture of the possible future, saying if his father is not re-elected, the Russia-Ukraine war will last forever.
It won't come to an end, because there is no money in peace, and there will always be a general who envisions his retirement sitting on the board of Raytheon, Boeing, or Lockheed Martin,
Trump Jr. said, referring to the lobby power of the military industry.
He recalled that he has recently spoken to some sixty-five thousand people across the US and always asks if there is anyone who thinks the war in Ukraine is one of the three most important problems facing the United States. A total of two people have come forward so far, he said, adding that one of them "made his money in Washington" and would not hesitate to send thousands to the war to earn even more money. The other was born in Kyiv, so he thinks his opinion is understandable.
The point is, no one born in America thinks that this war is their biggest concern,
Donald Trump Jr. pointed out.
There is a huge gap not only between the right and the left, but also between American conservatives and their leaders in Washington. Few are willing to turn against the swamp,
he said, referring to Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's statement that the war in Ukraine is the most important issue for Republicans across the country.
We are used to fighting, we are always on adrenaline. We were not put together to give up, we keep going,
said the son of the former president, when asked how his family copes with the attacks against them.
Finally, he also spoke about the possible outcome of the US presidential election in November.
If it were a fair election, we would have one of the greatest victories in American political history. But I don't think it will be a fair election. This is why we must win the election not by one percent per constituency or by one vote per county, but by five or seven percent, otherwise it will be rigged,
he said.
On a stretcher or in a wheelchair, but they want to push Joe Biden across the finish line,
Donald Trump Jr. said of the Democrats' intentions.
By all reasonable calculations, it should be a landslide victory, but that does not mean that it will be. We must fight to the end!
Cover photo: Donald Trump Jr., businessman and son of former US president (Photo: MTI/Tamas Purger)